Ah Starcraft its like the perfect RTS but to get the full experience you gotta be Pro like a korean who plays for a career.
Ok ive been sarcastic enough, Recently I have been in a Starcraft mood after going to a lan and playing mostly Starcraft and I did majorly bad, Im a n00b at Starcraft im ok with Terran but bad with Zerg and Protoss, I alot of people I played with were some big winners of the Starcraft pro circuit and have even played Against Legionnaire the #1 dude in Australia.
Alas playing Starcraft I went in a comp to win a beta key in the C devision which was the n00bish people I lost majorly as stated before but in the sake of fun. and when found out the news about the Starcraft II collectors edition the fans went nuts.
well thats really all I had to say dudes but my fun w/e
I hope for the skool kids in oz, g/l going back to school.
and the people of 18 whatever your doing g/l
as for myself im back of to school in my degree studying in Multimedia which is oh so fun.
till next time.