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My Thoughts on the return of duke.

Duke Nukem is one gaming's most iconic characters, he is pretty much is our Chuck Norris. It has been quite some time since 1996 with a long wait for the ever so slow Duke Nukem forever the sequel to Duke Nukem 3D, Duke Nukem forever finally hit our stores, sadly it is not getting the praise from the critics.

I bought the game on launch and have to say its not perfect and I am going to give my negative points out first.

-The gunfire sounds kina didnt have that ummph.
-Duke should talk more, it seems he only talks though his mind or something.
-Long load times.
-Multiplayer is kind of broken and slow.

How ever they really didn't defeat the fact I enjoyed the game it's nowhere near the perfect game but I am for one of these people who are over FPS games with emo soldier characters. Duke is there being himself and well kicking a$$ and most probably having a good time, probably having even more of a good time when he is with a babe or 12.

It is a shame we didn't see more duke though out the 14 year gap, we had duke 3D ports on just about every system, and many spin off games. Within this time frame we could of had 2 or 3 sequels.

Now that gearbox has the rights, hopefully the guys can make a real sweet as sequel and make duke what he once was. I you find the game cheap give Duke a chance really there is nothing wrong with the game it's just kept it old skool, and if you grew up with Duke or any shooters from the 90's give duke a chance.

Cheers and thanks for the read.

Take Care :)