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My Top 25 bands of all time Part 4

Hey all this is the final part of my fav bands I hope you enjoyed it all.

If you missed out on the others check the first 3 parts just down below.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

well this is it...

3. Metallica

With the rise of metal growing and growing, it got so far...but that was not enough one band came out of the shadows MetallicA! thrash metal won the world in the 80's but Metallica was the king, with such hits as Master of Puppets, Fade to Black, One ,man the list goes on, Todays metallica feels stale and lost the rage they had back in the mid to early 90's but Metallica will go down in history as the most legendary band in rock history well the name stands out for them ya know Metal-lica???

2. Rage Against The Machine

Rage Against the Machine earned acclaim from disenfranchised fans (and not insignificant derision from critics) for their bombastic, fiercely polemical music, which brewed sloganeering leftist rants against corporate America, cultural imperialism, and government oppression into a Molotov cocktail of punk, hip-hop, and thrash. And thats why I like them so much, they proved so much, The music is like a bomb with message, I also love Tom Morello as a guitarist some people think his sound is shocking, but I love the alternative feel every squeak and rattle, and zack is one of the greatest rappers of all time, If you ever get the chance to see rage live you will be blown away, the most insaine mosh pit ever, Make sure you stick out you middle finger and make a fist!

Well this is the #1 band can you guess?


Iron Maiden is my fav band of all time for many reasons

-The solos knock my socks off
-Bruce knows how to put on a good show
-myths and legends

Iron never made critical acclaim but the force of fans spanning three generations is enough for this band to keep growing from strength to stength. Every album they bring out has songs to suite any rock fan, ballards, rock tracks, solo busters its got it all, the albums are a highlight for me with eddie ripping it up from killing the devil him self to wrecking havoc in a brave new world, The line up is great from Bruce to Niko, The fan service is what keeps making iron maiden alive, and thats what makes a great band in the struggle in a money driven world and I bet Iron Maiden put on a great realisitic show comparted to Rhianna. Iron maiden would have to be an insperation to every person the metal music tree.


Well there you have it, I hope you enjoyed my journey of my 25 fav bands,

I also hope all you dudes have a great easter!

Sheep. ;)