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My top 25 bands Part 1

Hi all I felt like kicking of my top bands and letting you get the feel of some killer bands from many differnt ranges of rock.

ok lets rock & roll.

25. The Subways

The Subways are little band I discoverd at a festival, After checking them out I thought they were amazing, A mixture of grunge, punk and indi rock makes for amazing mosh pit experince, all in the name of fun. I think they are a very underated band.

24. Bullet For My Valentine

Bullet is one of those bands of the last decades you call under "metalcore" but they keep the mainstream 80's thrash metal feel, with fast guitar work with the breakdowns of todays bands. I went to see them live with Avenged Sevenfold and I was washed away with bullet while I thought Avenged Sevenfold was ok, Give bullet a few more years and they will be up there with the big boys of metal.

23. Anthrax

Being apart of the big 4 of Thrash metal, Anthrax followed the trait of speed and raw vocals but keep it a bit down to earth and humorou. Its such a shame Joey Belladonna (vocals) had to leave.

22. L7

An all female band, and just as Bada$$ as the boys. L7 rose up along other big 90's alternative acts like nirvana and peral jam, but these chick bought there own world across, They never made it big as other alternative but for me I rank them as a tribute that chicks can be rockers also, and If I grew up with L7 (I was only about 5 when grunge was big) I would of had a crush for Donita Sparks (vocals)

21. Nirvana

If you have never heard of Nirvana you must be blind, They preety were the band that summed up grunge music, yes they are overated but with a good cause the Album Nevermind is a great album, Its a mixture of raw 80's punk and early grunge ****bands, I always wonder what would happen if Kurt was still alive?

20. The Living End

Being a kid growing up in Australia suck because a lot of bands never hit our shores or if they do it ends up being a life time, Im looking at you Metallica :evil: anyways Iget some local talent that knows how to rock,in the 90's I fell in love with a song called Prisoner of Society it blew me away, now looking back no other living end song can come close but I love them all, Its interesting how the band used there influance of old school 50's rock adding the raw power of punk. If you ever get the chance see them live you wont regret it.

19. Motorhead

Motorhead? If you dont know them you stink, rock music was never the same after this band came into the scene in the 70's, It was the start of speed on guitars and growling voices. It lead to kids who couldent sing had a chance to growl in the microphone. Any Motorhead album I buy I find sounds the same but in a good way cause its all awesome.

Well thats it for now, your gonna have to tune in for the next few days for the next part.