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My top 25 bands Part 3

Hi guys, we are coming to the end, after so many punk bands I thin this time the last couple will be a bit differnt.

so here we go...

10. Blink 182

One of the first bands I got into was Blink 182, I loved the music video for all the small things, I laughed every time I saw it and still do to this day, Alot of of friends who are into metal gave me a hard time, but eh...Blink 182 rose to the scene in the 90's with the teenage anthem Damnit on the album dude ranch, in 2000 Blink 182 ruled the world with their album Enema of the state. Travis Barker is probaly my fav drummer of all time, He is the reason I took up drumming.

9. Tool

the guys in tool arnt just musisions, They are artists, When I heard Tool for the first time I was disturbed, but after awhile they grew on me. I love the sounds of guitar screachs from Adam jones with Maynard James,Keenans creepy voices.Tools greatest achivment was to introduce underground dark rock with the power of art in their songs and music videos, Yeah the music videos are insaine!

8. System Of A Down

With the rise of Alternative Metal System of a Down took the train along with everyone else but had a taste of sarcasium in their songs, They took the boom with their debout self titiled album but really they became mega rock stars with the album Toxicity.

7. The Offspring

The Offspring was probaly the band that got me into music, sadly It was from the song Preety fly for a white guy (its a lame song) but Offi has other great songs, I fell in love with the album Smash it has the teenage anthems Come Out and Play and selfesteem, One of the huge Punk bands for a generation!

6. Foo Fighters

With the rise and fall of Nirvana, Dave Groul set off to start a new project which later became the Foo Fighters, the thing that I think made Foo Fightersso huge with the fans was they had a type of song everybody could like from the soft hits like Big Me, Learn To Fly to Hard smashers like Monkeywrench and One By One, Also the Foo Fighters was the first band Isaw life which is a true memory I will never forget.

5. At The Drive In

Before the Mars Volta took of At The Drive In was the band Cedric Bixlur(vocals)and Omar Rodrigues (guitar) were a part of. They were the band of many elements of speed and alternative riffs. They only bought out three albums,The band did not get along very well. but I think Atthe Drive in will be one band to be remembered with one big hit...One Armed Scissor.

4. The Smashing Pumpkins

With the rise of Alternative rock in the 90's the Pumpkins were one of the legends that still live today. I loved the pumpkins charge of dark heavy songs to mixing it up with beutiful ballads. Corgan had an excellent voice, it was so bizare and his guitar tunings was amazing, After a decade of rulling the scence, the band went their seperate ways, and now making a come back I dont think the new members can be replaced. Truly one of the greatest bands in rock history, they inspired so much.