well i was looking through the pictures and the ps3 slim isn't so small comared to the fat ps3. But the ps2 slim is a whole bunch smaller than the fat ps2. So when i was imagining the ps3 slim i thought it would be that small but i guess i'm wrong.
shelbygt93's forum posts
Well i have decided i wanted to buy a ps3. But i don't know which one i should get. I was looking at some forum's and people say get the slim, stay with the original and stuff like that. But i still can't decide, any responses would be greatly appreciatedalsotell mesome good games for the ps3 that i should get.
i did the update and everything, i get everything else expect one things which is the awards. If you press the big x on the controller and go over to achievements and look under it, it says awards. Well i clicked on it and it said your achievements and avatar stuff or whatever goes here. I got some more achievements and nothing is in there. please tell me what this is for :D
well i personally think you should wait and level up your guy a little more, i was level 54 when i beat it. i guess i just got lucky or something 8)
Couldn't you just go to Xbox.com & use a forgot screenname and/or password feature?
i forgot the email address not screen name
well here is my situation i helped a friend and made an xbox live account for him. and i typed in some random email address and i can't remember it or the password. is there anyway i can search the history or find out what it was or change it?
i looked through xbox live arcade and i could not find resident evil 1 on there, you would think they would put it there but they don't. who else thinks they should have it i never played it so i don't know if it would be any good but the 5th one was
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