Hi I know this is probaly a dumb question to all you long time members but how do you get those things once you post that say like future wii owner and other things I guesse there called banners? right? yea so how do I get them? please help! thanks!!
Okaey I don't know about you but ever since I've had an xbox 360 (since b4 last christmas) i've been looking forward to all the newest games for the next generation consoles which it happens to be one of. So while I was looking at reviews and release dates for new games I found the new GTA 4 game. I saw it was due out in october I think of '07 and at the time it was december of '06 so even then it felt like a lifetime away. So then recently I saw on gs that Take-Two (the game's publisher i guesse)extended it's release date. At first I felt angry and disappointed but I still wanted an explanationso I read the article. It said that making the game was more time consuming than they had expected especially on two different platforms (ps3 also). So in a way i was ok with it if the extra amount of time would make the game better. So I guesse like everybody else in the world we all have to wait. So what are ya'lls thoughts? Were you mad, relieved or what?
You know what I don't understand? It's why does Japan have like 5 different color Ds light's and the U.S. only has 3(4 if u count the new red and black ds bundle)??? And I know that's like nintendo's HQ but still we should get some new color's besides black, white, and pink! They should've made a new blue one like the original or a green one would be cool!
Sadly EA owns the rights to Harry Potter, if a company who actually put some effort into their games had the rights the Harry Potter games might actually be good.
I know thats what sucks is that EA has it and don't get me wrong EA has made decent games but there OK not WOW!
But yea the DS is totally a great thing to get in to.Alot of games use the touch screen while other games use it some. But either way Nintendo and the DS are still great so buy it!!!
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