Hi, with first of September the holidays are officially closed and life returns to usual routines. Actually I came back to home on 28 August, but I waited some days to blog because I had to determine a personal record, and I did it. During summer 2009 from 1 June to 31 August I have not pick any fight with no one. Now, you must know I am a kind and quiet guy, but for some mysterious reasons people tend to don't leave me alone, so in the last 4 or 5 years I've forced at least once for summer to fight some idiot. Summer 2008 was even freaky: one night, while I was on way house after a party I've ran into a car crushed against a wall. I stopped my car and ask the victim of the accident if he was in need of help and if he called for police but the guy shout me insults and attack me. Thanks to my ability in martial arts (five years of Ju Jitsu… then I broke my left knee and quitted) and a bit of luck I was able to stand him until the arrival of the police.
However, this year this awful trail of fights was cut and I could enjoy a carefree summer. I opted for "smart holidays"; actually I was outdoor for almost a month spending only 500 euros.
Simply scrounging hospitality here and there from parents, familiars and friends. Especially I spent a week in Toscana in a luxurious agrotourism only sleeping, eating and bathing in the pool… all free! I never will thank enough my great friend Simo Violini (the owner of the structure) for such wonderful vacation.
Today the work started again. My student was so happy to have me on the first day after the holiday. Me too was happy to see them… so I bless them with a no-stop six hours lesson.
Now I want share with you the movie of a fantastic joke done by some friends to a guy named Carlo Martone. They often organize Texas Hold'Em tournaments and the joke plot was the simplest possible: they set the cards to give a poker of aces to Martone on the flop and a royal flush to his opponent on the river.
Language and subtitles are obviously in Italian, but the joke is really well played. You can't miss the face of Mortone when the dealer flip the river… priceless!!!
During last 15 seconds of movie there's even a slowmotion on his astonished facial expression.
Well… see you around on gamespot.