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shinegreymon87 Blog

Start to Finish

My opinion on true gamers start to finish. a true game is some one who will play even games they dont like just to beat them and say that they have. Also true gamers will play agame just to be able to help some one else out in that game. True gamers play games not just for fun but for a living a life style that leaves alot of questions to be answered like what is it that draws us into the games. Why do i play as a true gamer i want to beat every game i play and want to play every game that comes out. I play so i can pick out the faults and the perfections on games i look for more then just good gameplay and graphics.

And there is more to games then blowing things up and shoot people in the face ( though that is a good stress relief). Noo if a game doesnt have a good storyline it doesnt get a good rating on my page and it doesnt get defended. True i aint like a king or anything nah far from it but still every person that you make as a fan you get alot of pride out of it every fan you lose is like a shot to the head. Thats the test of making games and as a true gamer it is our duty to put ourself out there to play said games and to help make or break a games ratings.

It doesnt matter what a magazine or book, website, news, or anything like that says about the game in the end the true gamers voices boom out louder then any type of negative (or positive) media ever will us true gamers make and break the games. tell me what you think about what i have said and please not in a hateful way but you can debate it i dont have a problam with that.

I know one thing better then games on here

I know that on this website there is one thing better then the games and info for the games and that is making new friends at first no one even looked at my profile well actually only three peoplehave and i would like to give a thank you and let yall know i am watching for new blogs posts ratings and review i hope you are doing the same. Thanx to game_goddess07, Atom06, and benleslie5. Thanks for being my friends hope to see new thing from yall in the near future.


Here we go i read another blog that talked about the meaning of games and if i may make a blog similar (Thanks and sorry for making a similar blog to game_goddess07) Thequestion i hear the most from friends and family is "Why do you play video games" well the anwser is simply but it is different with every true gamer. Mine is that one day in the near future i will be creating my own video gamers for all the gamers to enjoy though i dont know much about the actual creating of the games i know how to write a story mode build a character profile and also have good mini games side quests and tasks that keep the game going outside the main story. And that is why i play video games.

I do it to get a idea of what i should do to make the game i am working on better more enjoyable and down right fun. So here i have a question for any gamers that read this blog. Why do you play video games i would like to here all the reason just comment and let me know.

To Forum users....

To forum users listhen ok these forums are meant to help and improve on specific game details in which you dont know what to do at least in most cases this is true. So if i may be so bold as to ask that if you go into a forum for a game keep the topic to THE GAME or something that relates to the game. (I.E. resident evil 4 topics should contain resident evil four info questions discussions ect...) So dont start a whole new topic inside of a topic allow those that sre looking and needing help in that topic get what they need and deserve out of that topic. Dont be greedy or selfess allow for the others to get words in so their questions can be recognized. And for goodness sakes please drop any arguments you might have with another person after a day or so dont let it continue for a week or more please.

Digimon Saga

The digimon saga has been continued within digimon data squad and though it got bad reviews here is what i am saying its one of the best digimon games yet it is like a typical RPG where as four was a hack and slash RPG and the others fall in to an asortment of other RPG styles. And Data Squad is the first (to my knowledge) to follow the actual story of the real characters from the said anime. And the story line for the game may be a little 2-d in that you know who the bad guy is before actually getting it shown to you in story. But it has a good moral basis and also a semi-appealing sotrybasis and on top of that graphics are good and you have a lot of digimon to choose to digivolve to you dont hae to stick with a very few here and there so that makes the game play more interesting trying to digivolve to them all makes it a long game (well at least a little longer) With that said i recommend playing Digimon Data Squad.

Digimon World Data squad

In my personal opinion data squad for the ps2 is a very good game i would even say its in the high 6's on a rating but i myself dont enjoy being lost for more then 5 to 10 minutes if not much longer and this game seems to have that affect on people. But for that one down side come to upsides and that is the graphics and Digivolution galaxies that the game comes with and in which both have a very unique and high quality to them. So in closing i have heard the question and i quote "Is the game as bad as people say is it really worth the 30 dollars you spent on it." Well i say that it was absolutely and 100% worth every dimes spent.