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Crovan's Gate Forum

 A long time ago, on a url far, far away....There existed a forum, not very big.  It's name was Crovan's Gate, and its admin was pleased.  Through the months it grew, till a mistake almost shut it down.  But with the help of Proboards, it came right around.  It struggled on still, making minute little post, till one day, it started to grow.I'm Shining23, Admin of Crovan's Gate, and I'd just like to ask; will you make that one day now?

Return of the ERTL Thomas miniatures....

As a lot of you may know, back in the early 90's ERTL released mini versions of the main characters off Thomas.  When I was 2 years old I got a pack with Thomas, Edward, and James.  I lost my Edward and Thomas, but thanks to my dog, who loves to dig,I found my James. It was a very interesting find seeing how the engine is in a great condition seeing how its over 13 years old.  Finding this engine has helped bring around my love of Thomas again (I stopped for a while sadly) and now I am gladly waiting for a pack of Mini ERTLs to arrive at my house.  Who would have known one model could survive 3 feet underground for 13 years.

Thomas Model Series

I am starting a Thomas model series that will include TOMY, ERTL, and my N gauge trains and the first few episodes will be about Rex from the Arlesdale Railway, but it will be about him before he was on that, it will be a sort of backstory. 

Nintendo DS

one of the greatest handhelds, I heard of something coming out in Japan, where you can watch TV on The DS!!!