Instead of doing all this crap you could ( for ps3 ) just add the movie files in AVI with the DivX codec to a jump drive or as i do it, my iPod 30gb. Just hook the usb up to your ps3 and then find it in the video section and press triangle, then view all files. Just find your video file ( btw for ipods add it through my computer like a jump drive ) then once you have your video file Triangle it and press copy. Once it is on your hard drvie it is in the ps3 video seciton and you can watch it. I have 60 full movies on my ps3 hard drvie, its great. Upside to gettin the 80 gb ps3 PS3 is tha best ! :)
lol for people confused with lighting first of all, your TV makes a difference with lighting alot, if you dont beleive me go to Bestbuy or Futureshop and take a look at the tv's lined up playing the same sh*t, you will notice that usually Sharp has a darker richer look to the colors especially in foliage than sony's. Hence, i have a Sharp for my PS3. Also, on PC you can just adjust lighting in the options so all this lighting bs doesnt mean anything to do with the console generally, although the PS3 images on Gamespot are always slightly darker than xbox which may mean that the STANDARD lighting for the console is slightly darker than xbox, but as i said before its adjustable and depends on monitor/tv also @ joevitale1 , you really dont know what you are talking about , also the main reason Wii sells more than xbox and ps3 is cuz its so cheap and is a great family, party game so adults buy it for their children and family's. I can get a wii and games with one paychek from my partime job, the only reason i dont have it is cuz it is a piece of sh*t and ps3 rules in hardware
Here are a couple points that argue against console players First of all puddingpiler, if PC graphics are on par with console graphics upon their release or shortly after, and they become "obsolete" (meaning they are improving a lot) within a year, then how can consoles even compare to PCs in terms of graphics if they are not being upgraded. Another point I'd like to make is the about the price of PCs. I think its kind of funny that people include the cost of the monitor into the PC total price, but console gamers never take into account that they have to buy a TV. If you want your graphic to even compare to a PC then you need a nice TV ($1000+) plus the console itself bringing you to a total of about the same price as high quality PC (if built yourself, and not ripped off by alienware, or the like). Also, to those who don't seem to notice a difference in PC graphics in the pics above (excluding lighting which can simply be adjusted). Take a look at texture size/bump mapping, and the foliage depth and detail on the bushes (especially the last fallout pic)
the funny thing about PC gaming is that anyone who has a good pc or understands pc hardware usually ends up getting a PS3 because they understand its superior equipment this is just an observation on my part
for everyone that says a console beats PC, PC rules in every way shape and form the ONLY thing a console player can argue agains the PC is the cost of equipment other than that it rules for example, graphics will always be the best on PC because all games are CREATED using a pc, meaning that the highest graphics setting for that game is producable on PC. Also, pc can be optomised to beat consoles, for example, you can hook up gaming controlers to your pc, its also better for strategy, pc's can use a tv as a monitor but unlike a console a PC can be used for gaming AND everything else from entertainment to work and study. Plus, the PC has a larger variety of games and also the PC is better for movies and music because you can get any media player you wish from iTunes to Windows Media Player. So if money is not a problem, PC is the winner consoles are for Jocks, dumbasses and people that either cannot afford a good PC or dont care enough about thier games to put alot of money into their system btw im running Nvidia 8800 GT Intel Core 2 Duo 4 GB of RAM 22" Acer Monitor 500 GB hard drive Logitech z-5500 surround sound
um, when they say ps3 lacks this or that, it has nothing to do with the console, its just the developers getting lazy and leaving the "shrubbery" out and not defining shadows better companies need to get their act together and put more time into the ps3 versions
i dont know why some people freak over replacing controlers, like rumble is cool but its not a necessity and i wont ever buy new controllers just for the rumble, unless of course im overflowing with the big bucks. i just say, if u have the money spend it, but for 55 bucks u might as well buy a new game, unless u have all the games u want
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