The theory of time traveling has been debated over years. Some say that time travel could be possible in the future, I however am not one of those people. I believe that it's not possible unless one impossible event were to occur. If time travel were plausable, the only way for it to be true would be to asume that time somehow records all of the events of earth's history. Sounds easy enough, but for that to be possible time would have to truely exist.
Time in itself if a man made funtion in which we use to dictate how long until the sun rises or sets. So natural time would be day and night. You would then have to figure out what causes day and night. The earth rotates on its axis, and the sun is there or it's not there. Which means that if the earth were to rotate on its axis in the opposite direction, nothing in peticular would happen. So if "time" is caused by the earth, one would have to believe the earth somehow has recorded all of the events of the past. In a way it does, by the patterns in the formation of the earth's surface. The earth can eventually revert to its natural state, but not by going backwards and hitting a reset button, but by letting progression slowly reset everything.
Time in and of itself wasn't programed like a computer to document it's every action. If this were the case Time would have been programed like a super computer, having a large enough hard drive to contain all of the events of past years. Wheather or not you believe in billions of years or a few thousand, to retrace all of the events of either timeline would take an extremely massive hard drive, which at the start of time whenever that was would not have been created, heck computers were created only as early as the 20th century and for the most part could only hold a flie as big as a Word document to just over 1/2 of a 320kb/sec song.
Now some may want to bring up the use of black wholes. That might be a good argument if you can prove in solid evidence that black wholes actually exist. You can't, it's a therory. Unfortunately with no proof an argument such as would be completely useless, although I'm sure many people would like to try, but if you have no eveidence, you can't form a valid argument. I too would like it if time travelling could in fact exist, I want to meet some historical figures, possibly even tell myself not to make certain mistakes, but that is the unfortunate state of reality. I even tested the idea of such happenings. my friends and I vowed that if time traveling were to exist, we would see our future counterparts appear in 3 seconds. Now one of 5 things could have happend:
1. They never did invent time traveling
2. We died before it got invented
3. It was never realesed to the general public
4. Our future counterparts were taken in the second coming of Jesus (that'd be great really...) so technically there was no time in which to invent it.
5. 3 seconds later we'd see our future selves
Number 5 didn't happen which leaves us wondering which of the other 4 did......
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