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Deathcon II (Runescape holiday quest)

Yes I play....

I'm sure that every single gamer out there has done a difficult objective of some sort, expecting something amzing in return like a new costume for their character, a weapon that pwns.... I don't know, whatever you can think of. You manage to complete this awful task and when you're done all you gain is an achivement... or you get something completely useless.

That's basicly the definition of Deathcon II. I was excited becuase I missed some holiday events and ended up missing out on some really cool items, so I vowed to log on during the holiday event times and claim my items. This year for halloween, they threw out a seriously complicated quest, something involving arranging some stautes, solving a bunch of random numbers and walking in an "L" shape with a chicken.... don't worry about it.... And I actually had to walkthrough the part with the random numbers. I had to decorate a dancefloor with a picture using some random numbers. I'm not sure why they didn't just hand us a picture at be like "here, draw this" because the girl litterally knows what it is, but she makes you go through this rediculous decoding process anyway. I was never good at sudoku, wasn't sure how they expected me to figure out this one.

The other two things were of moderate difficulty dispite the fact that I spent 2 days on the first one, but maybe it was just the numbers... I didn't get it..