after looking at the miniscule differences in these pictures im wondering ho they even justified making this article or whatever it is... this is silly. most of them it isnt even clear which one is really better... its entirely debatable from picture to picture. they need to cut it out... the only thing about this that I see as good is how in the comments section theres a lot more people posting about how stupid this VS thing is rather than how it was a couple years or even one year ago when all the comments were just biased opinionated and poorly conceived rants about how one was so much better than the other. I think the gap has thinned so much thatthese debates and comparisons are unnecessary.
@Unheard-Volume exactly, both are great. what real gamer can really bash a console anyway? it doesnt make sense, if we had these ten years ago everybody would be drooling over either one regardless of the problems on each, and yeah they do all have problems. i think gamers are getting a bit too spoiled by choice... I dont get it, I got it before with the rrod and the high ps3 price tag but those should be resolved (rrod resolution may take some vigilance in selecting your console model). PS3 price dropped and RROD is warrantied and should have been worked out with most new systems. cant we all just brag about how awesome the games of our generation of gamers are compared to the last?
oh and 360 has exclusives too... btw I have both, i just think its silly seeing two pretty even systems I mean the positives and negatives between them balance out pretty well, however if I had no system right now and I was looking to buy one I would get the PS3 because its $299 and has a blue ray player and almost all the games I want, however i would just buy a 360 later on because it has some awesome exclusives tha I cant go without. soo... yeah... anyway, my point is there is so little point in arguing either side because both have positives and negatives, enough on each side to make both necessary systems for people who play a lot of games. People who dont have the need for that much gaming however are in a different boat... so in that sense I guess my opinion isnt relevant... ok... so I dont even know what im saying anymore... both systems have great benifits so can it people. except for the can it part../. cause this article is about the ongoing conflict... god im conflicted... nm me.
@snypa777 who has to get a new one every year? you people make it sound like its a constant ongoing problem. i doubt that the failure rate on 360s is the same now as it was five or whatever years ago.
@grasshopper6 may be true for some but I have had the same 360 for three years and never had a problem. Ive played for over 20 hours straight before and moved the console plenty of times. i know plenty of other people have had problems but as far as I know if you make sure to get the right model(you can check) you wont have to worry about it. Im really tired of hearing about this.
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