I Completely hate the PS3. Now this is totally opinionated so dont freak out at me but i think it is a piece of junk. The launch games were bad and were on every other system. Sony even had a year more than the Xbox 360. Personally I think the 360 pwns the PS3. The wii also does. Like my topic says "Sony's PS3 is Just a Blu-Ray Player that you can play Games on." Its totally true, sure it has graphics slightly better than the 360 but thats not what makes systems good. Not good in the sense of its hardware, but good in a way of enjoyable and fun. The wii was so innovative with the motion sensory but no sony couldnt let Nintendo get away with that, instead they put their own "motion sensory" in their contorllers, actually i wouldnt even go that far with motion sensors its more like if i shake the controler up and down i do someting. The wii has you controlling swords and guns like you would normally. If i want to play a game that is coming out on Xbox 360 and PS3 and i have both, i would choose the 360 hands down, what are your thoughts on the PS3?
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