Microsoft telling us that there system has so much extra value, they're really just pointing to all the apps that are already on the xbox360, Netflix? That's not new. Underselling you're overblown spyware and saying all this extra value we get just because your system can play bluray? I'm not getting Xbox One just so Microsoft can pull another 180, what's 180 and 180? Isn't that 360? Maybe they should call it the Xbox One 360!
Anyone ever read Ready Player One by Ernest Cline? There was a big evil corporation in that book too, let's not forget what they tried to do to the public at E3 and what they could and would do to us in the future. They tried to tell us that we can't do what we want with what we own, always online, if you don't like it buy an xbox360 crap... I'm going with PS4, I don't care if Microsoft comes out with game cd's made of solid gold, M$ needs to fall to there knees, lose this generation of the next-gen war and come back a kinder gentler microsoft. Goodbye Halo it was nice knowing you.
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