Just an awesome lyric from Megadeth's United Abominations!8) Which I finally got! w00t! It's amazing, just amazing. It blends old-school Megadeth with a more modern sound, kind off like on "The System Has Failed". It's also probably Megadeth's most political album yet. Very awesome, BUY IT IF YOU LIKE METAL! Or good music, for that matter. 9/10. Other albums I need are Ozzy's "Black Rain" and Rush's "Snakes and Arrows"
In other news, I recently became completly hooked on my DS all over again. I've been playing several DS games, including New Super Mario Bros, Mario Cart, RE:DS, FFIII(Which I still haven't beat!:evil: ) and of course... Pokemon Diamond. I'm also going to sell my gamecube and DS to get a DS Lite.:D
I'm also having a pool party with some friends this Sunday to kick off Summer!8) They're alot of fun, especially in this absurd heat. Everyone's invited, so bring ur friends!:P
Oh, and I keep forgeting to put this out(damn my forgetfulness!), but if you've got a Wii, here's my Wii code... it's 6495 8676 0003 0707.You can give me a shout anytime about anything. And my e-mail is beanburroman@yahoo.com, but u knew that already, right? No Spam please!:lol:
It's quiz time! Katamari is on fire with these quizes, can anyone beat him!?
1. Metallica-"Dear Mother, Dear Father, You've clipped my wings before I learned to fly, Unspoiled, Unspoken, I've outgrown that ****ing lullaby! Same thing I've always heard from you, do as I say, not as I do!" One of my fav Metallica songs, btw.
2.Another fav of mine, this time from Dream Theater-"Straight is the path, Leading to your salvation; Slaying the weak, Ethnic Elimination!"
3.This an easy one from Rush-"He's got a problem with his poisons, but you know he'll find a cure; He's cleaning up his systems to keep his nature pure."
UP THE IRONS!!!:twisted:
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