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Update time

Hey guys! Summer's been draging on forever for me, but that isn't exactly a bad thing, now is it? I've been living after midnight and rocking to the dawn! (U get a gunball if u know were that line came from:P) Oh, and I hope u enjoyed the vid(despite the crappy quality, it IS my first video), because there's more where that came from! Oh, and if couldn't find the video, it was in the video section(duh:P) sry, I don't know how to put video's in blogs!:roll:

Well, gamewise, I've been slowly drifting away from my PS2 and towards my Wii. Along with Zelda TP and OoT, I've been playing some cube games as well, particularly MP2 and RE. This is kinda bad though, since I still haven't completed FFXII yet:? I can get passed the semi-final bosses pretty easy, but the final boss always slaughters my party:cry: Well, when I get the new Tomb Raider, I'll start to pay more attention to my PS2... at least until I get MP3 corruption:lol:

Also, I figured that my Ipod has so much room that I should start broadening my musical tastes a little bit:roll: So, I've been getting into Melodic Death Metal, which is a more mellow and listenable version of Death Metal(hence the name) Normally I can't stand Death Metal, but this genre is great! I've been mainly listening to these Melodeath bands: Dark Tranquility, At the Gates(You thought Reign in Blood was brutal? Check out these guys' Slaughter of the Soul!), and In Flames. These guys influenced many modern bands, including Children of Bodom and Arch Enemy. There awesome. I've also been listening to some more modern bands, mainly Mastodon and Trivium. Good stuff.8)

As for the music quiz, I'M DISSAPOINTED! No one got Slayer's Hell Awaits! WTF?:evil: Because of this, I've decided to include multiple choice aneswers in the quizes, so even if u don't know it, u can guess it. Your welcome!

1. All right, let's try another Slaytanic Slayer lyric-"I'll instigate, I'll free your mind, I'll show you what I've known all this time, God Hates Us All! God Hates Us All!" Is it: A) Cult B) Disciple C) Master of Puppets D) At Dawn They Sleep

2. Judas Priest-" Planets Devastated, Mankind's on it's knees, A savior comes form out the sky to aneswer to their pleas" Is it: A) Hellrider B) Heroes End C)YYZD) Painkiller

one from OZZY!-" Something in my vision, something deep inside, Where did I wonder, where d'ya think I wondered to, I've seen life's magic astral plainI travell through" A) Flying High Again B)Blood and ThunderC)I Don't Know D) Over the Mountain