shums' forum posts
ok . its summer and im about to purchase me either a ps3 or 360 but i dont know what to get
half of my friends say a ps3 and half say 360
i admite both have good an bad qualitys but one thing i dont like about the 360 is that i fear that it would die on me
ps3 i dont mind at all but its too pricey for me yet all my fav games are there
i like the ps3 cuzz of the action games and ive had a ps2 before so i follow the games from the last gen console
like god of war 1 and 2. i like the blu-ray which will save me money when blu-ray takes over and the hardware in it is high tech.
the 360 i like because the controller kicks ass and the online is amazing because its so organized and almost never fails
im stuck between these 2 consoles and i need a good opinion from some people before purchasing
please help me
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