Just bought it yesterday. Was one of those games I missed out on when it came out. So far its pretty amazing. I've been playing it on my vita (because what else am I gonna play on it) and it hits all the right marks. Sure its kinda grind heavy but it always balances that out with tight challenging gameplay, constant class changes and character progression, and randomized levels. So at least grinding is fun.
The problem is, in this internet age, that we as consumers have been given more power than before. This is both a good thing and a bad thing. Nowadays we can research the hell out of a game before buying it with articles, youtube videos, reviews, twitch streams, and just by the opinions of others in the comments section. This is good because we can make more informed purchases and avoid a lot of crap. At the same time big triple A developers now just copy each other because they cant take risks. Back in the day you could make a terrible piece of crap game, throw a couple of dragons or robots and crap on the box art, and it would sell because back then all you really had to go by was whats on the box. Its just not true anymore. I'm not saying its the consumers fault, its just the way things are now and I don't think that the gaming industry has been able to cope.
Well knowing the reviewer with get a crap load of flak for this, I appreciate a different view on the game. Dark Souls gets so much praise, and very little criticism regardless of any of the games flaws (that's mostly because of the fan base). People should understand that not everyone understands why this game gets so much praise, and I am one of them. I beat Demon Souls once and I really did not like it all that much. Dark Souls was kinda more of the same, and I've decided to skip Dark Souls 2.
Seriously this "paid demo" comment that everyone needs to throw at this game is really short sighted. Whats the difference between this and IDK giving a game on kickstarter 20$, or buying into an early access game. Is it because its a big name franchise? You get a prologue to the phantom pain showcasing the gameplay for it and some dlc for it when it comes out. It may be a money grubbing scheme it may not, it does not matter, as long as you enjoy it. No one is making you purchase this, MGS fan or not. If you don't think its worth it then don't buy it.
Yay. I was apprehensive about pre-ordering this, but after reading this review I know I will probably be satisfied (who am i kidding i was gonna love it no matter what, I'm a blind fanboy). Cant wait to play!
This video is great. If people don't like the game that's fine but unless you have a well thought out reason for not liking something, no one cares what you have to say. There are alot of games I hate and have very strong opinions on, but even then I don't feel the need to scream to the world, I HATE ______ CUZ IT SUX'S. It does nothing but make my life better, I just ignore it and move on. No skin off my nose.
Silly is exactly why I like Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon in all its neon drenched 80's action movie nostalgia over the original Far Cry 3's overly dramatic story and plain setting.
I appreciate a re-review, but a 4.... Not really the re-review I was expecting. I really did not think this game was all that great either but not a 4. The game is functional, the gameplay is fun at times, and it has a beautiful setting with an interesting story (for the most part). Its no Bioshock but its certainly a playable game. 7 or 7.5 maybe a 6 at worst.
Still made some good points though, I just did not let some of them ruin a fine game for me.
shureshot24's comments