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Christmas and Thanksgiving are nearly here! =o

HolaAmigos. Como estas?
(Hello Friends. Jow are you? :P)

Well welcome back to mah blog. Im kinda bored and I looked at the calendar today and saw the date and i was like WOAH!!

Why was I like that? For two reasons:

1. I hardly EVER look at the calendar and pay NO ateention to te date. So I was shocked when I saw that

2. The two biggest holidays of the Q4 are near!

Yes Thanksgiving and Christmas are nearby! For Thanksgiving, this is gonna be one part, you know, whos comin oer, what we ae having for dinner. For christmas ya know, my list and thr TRUE meaning (expect that to be LONG)

THANKSGIVING: Well today is the 8th. Yes that means that TG is less than 3 weeks away. Im really happy bout that because Thanksgiving is usually the time when my like entire family gets together and has a heck of a day. During the day, we have some nice conversations, geting caught up with whats going on(my particular favorite conversation i the one with my gay cousin Ryan. :lol: Dont ask why, he is just really funny )Dinner is the BESTESt part. usually my dad cooks some nice smoked ham on da grill (he is like a god on the grill) and mah mom gets the turkey stuffed up and perfectly cooked. We also have some nice creacent roll and mashed potatos and corn (gotta love dem corn :P) We ALWAYS say grace before we chow down. Its always pretty damn good and Im stuffed afterwards (now I know how that turkey feels :P)

CHRISTMAS: On my little bro's B-Day(Novemer 25th) its a month til the best Holiday of da YEAR. CHRISTMAS! :D I always look forwards to Christmas each year. I just love the decorations n the godd gingerbread men and cookies. My list for dis year is

New MP3(My old one has gone through many feats, and if i getta new one, Im gonna be nice and give my old one to my sis)

Zelda Spirit Tracks(Ifigure I can wait til Christmas to wait for it :D)

Wii Fit Plus

Rubix 360 ( I love solving puzzles)

Sims 3 (PC)

Chibi Robo (One of the best GC games ever. I dont have a copy anymore :()

LOL thats all I can think of right now :lol: :lol: :lol:

Now, the TRUE meaning,*waits for the lightsto dim* OK

If you think Christmas is all about getting gifts from your parents and staying home from school, then you are COMPLETELY incorrect.*NOTE! If you are not Christian or do not want to read my speech, then skip this part!*


Mary, a young women, discovered that she was going to have a baby. An angel messenger from God told her that. Note that this was going virgin birth. if you dont believe this skip it. She and her husband traveled to many different towns, in search for a hotel. On the last hotel, the keeper allowed them to stay in the stable. In that stable, Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ. The Three Wise Men followed the star and found the baby. They gave the baby gifts.

Alighty, when Jesus grew up, he told all people about how great the Lord was and he told them that he was the son of God. Some other jewish leaders did not believe Jesus. They captured him and pinned him to a wooden cross. There he died on the cross.

NOTICE he died on the cross for US! He wanted us to be forgiven for the horrible sins we have done! He LOVED us and dint want us to rot in hell like Adam!

ANOTHER note YOU are born dead. NO not physically dead, but SPRITUALLY dead. This means that you are not connected to God or Jesus Christ. BUT, if you DO believe that Jesus died on the cross for YOu and CONFESS that you are a sinner, you are ALIVE (SPIRITUALLY, along with physically) All I can say is that Jesus is the ONLY way to heaven.

I am sure that if you type in something like How to become Christian or something in a google search bar, it will give you what to say. If you confess and believe, you have made the WISEST decision in your life . If you have done it, go out to church, read the Bible, tell someone your decision.


(Note I know some of my facts about Jesus' were somewhat incorrect, but that is because I havent read the book of matthew and tuff in awhile, so please excuse that :))

Your Christian friend(who is trying to get YOU to become Christian)
