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Finally I'm back

yo what up home dawgs?

:P Okaaaaay lets try that again

Heya friends, how ya doing. Its Shyguy1234 n Im FINALLY back :D While I was gone, I was tending to my sick mother (read my prev blog) and trying to survive the piles of homework that I have had to do in school. My mother got better bout a week after I posted that blogso yay! :) This blog is basically a summary of what i did while away


Well for one, my mom got better :) and two, SCHOOL. IDK HOW many times I say this, but I just get more $#!+ to do every day. -_- Take mah math class for example; In the beggining of the third quarter, we had about 5 problems to do veery night. Now, we have about TWENTY -_- Omy God its horrrible, I spend about an hour on homework :cry: Oh and in Language Arts? WE have a freekin project, and it was assigned a week ago, and its due TODAY. Well, Im sick today (thats why Im posting this blog :P) And I have a bad feeling about whats gonna happen on Monday :shocked:*sigh* Well there is one good thing out of school-ya get smarter. And Im apparently very smart cuz


Hoooweee its beeen awhile since I seen one of these :D I got one when I was in 8th grade and OMG I was so happy. I am a genius 8) :P ANYWAY the grades I got on my RC are

LA: 99 :shock: A

Math: 98:Shock: A

World Language: 99:shock: A

Physical education: 100:shock: A

Science: 97 :shock: A

Technology education: 97 :shock: A

WOO! It rocks being smart!


"AIght so-140.15. Okay cool."

"Hey hotness whats up?"

"who the **** are you?!"

"Its.... not important."

Lol can anyone name where those lines come from :lol:

ANyway My life with gaming is pretty good. Mosta its on my PS3 though. Like lets see, I played a DOZEN demos over the weekend. I played so many that IDK all of them. They were all pretty damn god though. The top 3 were

3.Ratchet and clank (IDK which one it was)

2.Soulcalibur 4


Ratchet and clank was pretty fun platforming. SOulcalibur was awesome, Im a HUGE SC fan.

And bayoneeta raelly surprised me. I didnt think very highly of it at first, but its to over the top crazy and awesome. The action is very fast paced, the enemies are kinda weird but fun to slash hrough, and there is blood flying EVERYWHERE. Oh and bayonetta's hot :P Just felt likeblurting that out :lol: Ignore my pervertedness, but its a very fun game. Though it may not be perfect for anyone (In the game you play as a witch and kill angels. Yeah I know not the perfect religous game for a Christian like me, but I ignore it cuz 1.The angels dont even look like angels (I thought they were supposed to be human) and 2.The bosses look more like greek gods) it surely is a great action game. lol Im saying all this and I only played the demo :lol: I need to get the full version

I also made a bet with my sister: If I can go the month of February without playing ANYTHING Metal Gear Solid related, i get 25 dollars. I know it doesnt sound worth it but I could use that money to get MGS3 subsitence. Ive heard its even better than the actual MGS3 so yeah. And Im totally gonna win this bet cuz I just got Uncharted and Uncharted 2 from gmefly, so I'll be busy

Thanks 4 reading.