gah! Ive been tagged. This is my first time. 15 facts wow, thanks a lot slyfur.
1. my first game I ever played was super mario world
2. I have two siblings
3.Im hated by kindergardeners
4.I love science
5. I hate language arts
6.I own almost 90 games
7. I got my wii 2 years ago.
8. Its almost my one year anniversery on gamespot
9. Im a staraight A student (or as some people call it, a nerd >_>)
10.I was almost baby new year (january 4th, 3 days off)
11. My favorite series is the legend of zelda
12. My second favorite series is metroid prime ( well you could call it the trilogy, but it dont matter)
13. doesnt like school
14. I have a bow but no arrows
15. I have a lot o friends on here
GAH!! *takes in huge gulps of air* Im not taggin anyone else