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This is MADNESS!




lol sorry, just HAD to do that :P

Well anyaway, its a me, Shyguy, and I am trapped inside my house! Why? Becuz if you have heard, the east coast is suffering from a humoungous blizzard And if you know me well enough, you'll know that I live in PA, which is on the east coast!

Yeah, I woke up this morning and looked out my window and ALL I saw was white :P Like literally it almost blinded me. And now Im still looking ayt a blizzard. I already had 30 inches of snow before, and I think there is already another foot and a half :roll: AND when my dad gets home from work (I dont know WHY the hell he went to work) I get too shovel it. Yay......! Well at least one good thing com,es out of this blizzad, im off school! :D Yay!

Well, Ive been playing mah PS3 and wii ALLLL day. On PS3, I just beat Uncharted 2, Among thieves. It is defiently an AWESOME game, I enjoyed it alot.On my wii, I was pwning people on Conduit online. I got a nine-in-a-row killing spree :o

Im thinkin of goin a new profile theme lately. Im thinkin either Samus or Uncharted. IDK we'll see

Well thats it I geuss. Seey all when this blizzard blows over and I feel like blogin again
