WHAT, NINE THOUSAND!!!!!????!?!?!?!
lol welcome to mah blog again, mates :P No I do not watch dragon ball Z, but I DO love that. :lol:
ANYWAY, Im in a VERY bloggy mood today, so this is just gonna be an update blog. :D
Well there is three words that can describe the games I have been playing lately. METAL. GEAR. SOLID. Omg, I got MGS2 and MGS 3 from gamefly awhile back, and I absolutely LOVED them. They were such great games. I found like, NOTHING wrong with them. The games had EXCELLENT graphics, great voice acting, awesome stealthy action and great action. The games also have the absolute BEST storyline in any game Ive played :D It was filled wih many twists and shocks. And omg, the cutscenes are like gems. But man, I almost cried at the ending cutscene of MGS3. It was SOOO sad :(
All it is lately is school, school, school, school, and MORE school. :x I friggin hate it. I get so much damn work that I barely can finish it all. Thats all thats going on in life. Oh and it snowed last saturday! :D :D And it may snow tonight. It makes me happy :)
Sword of Shadows
Sorry that I have been unable to get this thing up yet. Like I said, school has been piling work on me, but I gaurantee that i will get the first chapter up this week :D
Thats all!
PS I KNOW that this was a rather short blog :P