Microsoft must not want anyone to buy their console. First they have those backwards restrictions that nobody liked. They then think that it's perfectly fine to decide to remove most of these restrictions shortly after they announced them, making themselves look incredibly shifty and flippant. Now they plan to shovel ads into our faces while we're using the console.
His argument doesn't make much sense. Games aren't the only medium that glorifies gun violence, it's all over media in general. To condemn video games would be to condemn tons of other outlets that portray guns in the same manner. You can't just target games if you want to go down that route, you have to target every single piece of media that glorifies guns and makes wielding one appear badass. It's the medium that he involved himself the most, sure, but people are influenced by television, books, historical figures, etc as well.
And of course, no mention of his mental state in his speech. Adam was obviously suffering from a mental illness of some sort and, from what I heard, his mother was extremely overbearing on him and was a little off her rocker herself. If this kid got some help and had he had some friends he could relate to, it probably would had turned out differently. Yes, what he did was an atrocity, but people demonize this kid when he likely felt very alone and had to deal with everything going on by himself, a mental hell. Instead of spending all this money and time fighting over what's to blame, guns or video games, spend it establishing mental health services that specialize in pinpointing and helping people like Adam Lanza.
@Xellos5526 Where are you going with this? It is just a short bio that is meant to be a little humorous, not to be taken seriously. I doubt he really "hates all the things you love and loves all the things you hate".
Tom is right, to an extent. Nintendo re-imagine the same games constantly and you can bet any of their meaty announcements will be flooded with their typical IPs.
About time, but I don't think I'll be playing Skyrim again for a while. I liked it when I played it around when it launched and while I didn't run into many glitches, people complaining about game breaking glitches prompted me to stop playing until they were fixed, but the glitches introduced with new patches didn't help get me back into it. I am happy that they are finally releasing it, but I don't really want to get back into it and find that the DLC is full of glitches as well.
@jark888 @Lynn_Kyle Technically, yes. If you have an active subscription, you can play the games you got free from PS Plus at any time. If you end your subscription, though, the games automatically lock themselves until you resume it. You "own" the games in the sense that they will be on your account permanently even if your subscription lapses.
@Chuubby Was the tranny remark necessary? Getting stuck can be a legitimate fault. Some games stunt progress by being unnecessarily cryptic with what you are supposed to do next. If this game is not clear with the objective and expects you to find it on your own with little to no hints on its part, I would agree with this reviewer.
siberian142's comments