Got a NES for Christmas (I was five years old). Ninja Gaiden I and II were probably my favorite games from this system, but there were/are so many good ones, I won't dare to list 'em all! I'm super-stoked the Wii will have the NES catalogue at hand!
Received the SNES for Christmas. Hands down, the greatest system of all-time (in my opinion, of course). From Contra III, to F-Zero, Zelda: ALTTP, Street Fighter II (this game changed my life - it's what got me into one-on-one fighters; I still play SFIII: Third Strike on PS2 a good bit!), lauch-title Super Mario World - and of course Super Mario All-Stars! Again, "thank you" Nintendo for the Wii's capability of playing/downloading SNES games!
Even though I owned the graphically (and SFX) superior Mortal Kombat for the SNES, being a huge fan of that game at the time, I couldn't stand it not having the gore that the Genesis version did. So, I got a Genesis and the 'bloody' MK. Many good games on this console, too, like Aladdin, obviously the Sonic series, and ****cs like Streets of Rage and Altered Beast. I never owned a lot of Genesis games besides first-party/exclusive titles, since the SNES versions were always better.
For some reason I became briefly brain-damaged and asked for a SegaCD for Christmas, which I got (it was the redesigned 'slim' one; my Genesis was also the redesigned version). Brutal was the only game I played much on that turd of a system. Konami's Snatcher was awesome, but lacked replay value.
I pre-ordered the PlayStation, and traded-in my Genesis and SegaCD and all of the games towards purchasing Sony's new system. I remember the day I got it [launch day] I got Toshinden, and extra controller, a memory card, and I don't remember if I got Ridge Racer or not (can't remember if it was a launch title; but I remember having it when the PSX was still very, very new). I was 12 going-on 13 when the PSX launched, and cut everyone's grass who was willing to pay me, lol, and spent most of my money purchasing PSX games. At one point or another, I probably owned at least 30 (probably closer to 50) titles for this system (never at the same time; I would frequently trade-in games and whatnot).
My PSX finally died on me right after the DreamCast launched in '99...
Got a Nintendo64 for my birthday. I skipped it at first, being a 'loyal' PSX player, but enjoyed playing Super Mario 64 at my friend's. GoldenEye 007 is what made me ultimately get this system. My "Nintendo Bug" caught back-on, and I enjoyed a host of first-party titles, like StarFox and Mario Kart 64 ... and I can't go without mentioning both Zelda titles!
Since November '98 I had a 'real' job, but being a highschool student, didn't have many financial obligations except for things like gas money for my hand-me-down, paid-off, car... so buying games was never a problem. Like I mentioned above, my PSX died on me weeks after the DreamCast launched, so using my employee discount (I worked @ Target) I bought Sega's machine, and over the course of the next two years purchased many games and greatly enjoyed it. Personally, I think the DC ranks second (behind SNES) for 'all-time-best' as far as consoles go.
It was also in 1999 that I traded-in my N64 for the redesigned PSOne. GoldenEye's fun had wore-off, and the system was collecting dust, and I missed a lot of my PlayStation games (i.e. Parappa the Rapper).
The DreamCast's days were numbered, and quality games were being trickled-out slowly at best. So I traded-in my DC and PSOne (and all of my DC games and only PSOne games I didn't play anymore) for a PlayStation2. I still had some PSOne games - which, obviously, the PS2 plays. I've enjoyed the PS2, no doubt, oh... but I regret to this day getting rid of the DreamCast.
After playing in-store demos of XBox (and hating the original 'anchor' controller) I finally played one with the "S-Type" controller - which is very much like a DC controller - so I bought myself an XBox. So I now owned an XBox and PS2, and favored still the PS2.
My PS2 died. GameStop offered to give me, I believe, $30 for it even though it wouldn't work (I was gonna trash it anyways; it WAS useless) so, again, I traded-in my [broken] PS2 and all of its games and got more XBox games. Weird this happened when Ninja Gaiden was released exclusively on XBox, because the NG series is one of my all-time favorites. So of course NG was one of the games I picked-up (along with others) when I sold GameStop my PS2 and games and accessories.
Got XBox Live.
Jan- Bought a Nintendo GameCube... I was having Nintendo withdrawals, lol. Besides Resident Evil 4 and Alien Hominid, I only purchased first-party titles for the 'Cube.
June- My GC was collecting dust, since most of the games were multiplayer games and with myself and my buddies being in school and working and in relationships, the opportunities for four-player gaming were few and far between (that's where XB Live came-in handy), so reluctantly I headed back to GameStop and traded the 'Cube and its games/accessories for more XBox games. :?
Wasn't playing games on Live anymore, and let my one-year subscription run out. And the only games I regularly played were available on other consoles, too, so when Namco announced that Soul Calibur III was a PS2-exclusive title with create-a-character (I loved SC on DC and SCII on XB), I sold my XBox and games and accesories for the redesigned 'slim' PS2, and bought and played some quality titles.
I only have an XBox 360 now. I only play Rock Band.