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sidneyisaac Blog


Hello people. I know no one reads my blog posts but I thought it fitting to inform you all of something. I have moved on to GiantBomb a video gaming website with quality content as well as a sense of fun and community that I find lacking in Gamespot. Created by past Gamespot editors, the website is great! Jeff, Ryan, Brad, and Vinny, all former Gamespot editors, are the main people over there. Great editorial pieces as well as a lot of fun stuff that there is no way could be found at Gamespot make up the best of the GiantBomb content. Oh and it's a wiki with every videogame ever in its databases... My GiantBomb handle is Woodtsunami and I welcome anyone who wishes to join me. Thank you all and I wish you good luck in your future endeavors.

Crisis Core and FFVII

I recently bought Crisis Core for the PSP. It's pretty good, but the combat system gets kinda bland after a while. Of course, no one would ever buy this game for the gameplay, because the story is incredible. Unfortunately, I've never played FFVII, so I'm probably not getting a lot of the stuff that eludes to the original. However, I decided that I needed to play the original so I could experience the story in its entirety. So I went on Ebay! And saw the going price... I got a relatively good deal of $50 for a used Greatest Hits version. $50! For a used game! But now I'm waiting for it to come so I can pop it in my PS3 and see if I wasted my money. I also watched a movie called Midnight Run. It's from '88 and I reccomend renting it, as it is quite funny. In fact, it's the only movie I've seen that really succesfuly pulls off the action/comedy genre. It's funny, but not in an Anchorman kind of way. Plus it's got some actors who you may have heard of like Robert DeNiro and Charles Grodin. So ya.

ive been busy!

well. let me fill you all in on my gaming news. my friend and i rented and totally conquerd the game heavenly sword! nice graphix but kind of repetetive gameplay. (kai is fun though!) lets see.... on the unreal 2004 demo i am totally ruling the skies in my raptor. (challenge woodtsunami and see what i mean). um... i love titan quest! i totally just killed the cyclops and, i mean, how can a game where you battle a cyclops that is 5 times as big as you be bad? plus you get to wield the cyclops' club. uh hello! reviews are currently being written for heavenly sword and titan quest from me. (no im serious, challenge woodtsunami in a raptor and prepare to be crushed! i mean that literally...)

itunes led zeppelin

oh yeah. itunes has finally awnsered my prayers. every led zeppelin song ever made is now coming to itunes. thats right, every last one. even live versions of most of them! unfortunately to pre-order it you have to shell out $100. i cant afford that but i mean, no more led zepagain!

idiots at gamestop

ok. so im waiting at gamestop in the checkout line. a kid is buying this T game in front of me. the clerk is like how old are u to the kid. the kid says 11. the cashier's like well i cant sell you this game because its rated t. so im getting really angry cause anyone can buy t games and this idiot cashier is making this kid stand there. so the cashier has to call like 20 different people before one of them tells him that he can sell the game to the kid. what the ****! i mean gamestop never used to be like that. why are the people even hiring idiots like that cashier who've never played a game in their life. gamestop used to be populated by hippies who would sell you a game in like two seconds and give you discounts for no apperent reason. now its a beuracratic dump. im so buying games online from now on. the cashier was also an idiot to me. *sigh* alright comment now!

to all who happen across this blog

hi everyone! this shall be my blog. thy shall bow before it. ok! yes! right. im like right now wondering if theres going to be online play in rockband (they probably mentioned this somewhere but i dont pay attention). my computer is dead. very dead. it might as well have blown up. viruses suck unless you use them to pwn the people that pwned you in starcraft. or warcraft. or halo. or for those freaks who have nothing better to do.....motorstorm. wow this is longer than expected. hmmm. i have homework to do. i should probably be doing it now. ok bie.