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Algebra Stinks


Well, I've got Dance Production tomorrow. And a math test. I had a math test today too. I probably failed. BUT, I have a good reason [spoiler] This year, instead of doing year 9 math like I'm supposed to cause I'm in year 9, I'm doing year 10 math because my grades last year for math were pretty much solid A's- other than 1 C in an algebra test. I SUCK at algebra, but everything else I can do.
This year in math, EVERYTHING has been algebra related. Therefore, I've done crappy. [/spoiler]

Well, I'd tell y'all about Sunday and Tuesday, but I'll do that later if I remember, cause I have to catch up on everyone's blogs.

But, I did this quiz, which I originally stole from Robin, but I've seen other people with it since...

Are you available?

What is your age?

Do you know anyone named Brian?

When is your birthday?
January 15th

What's your favourite candy?
Depends on my mood

What kind of car do you have?
Don't have a licence. Probably a good thing...

Who do you have a crush on?
I have a list of celebrities, but I forgot the name of the guy who I know (I only met him, like, twice)

Do you daydream?
All the time

What's your favourite kind of dog?
My dogs :D I love all dogs though :)

Have you ever been in the emergency room?
Yup And I was in there for an hour with a 43 degree fever. If it really was an emergency, I could have died. This hospital sucks. And it's in a seedy town where people always get stabbed and shot (no joke)

Ever pet an elephant?

What are you eating right now?

Do you use fly swatters?
I hate anything to go squish. Too much goo involved. I use Tazzie or Ziggy (my dogs), cause they leave nothing behind :P

Is there a fan in your room?
No :cry:. There is, however, a heating/cooling vent in the celing.

Do you chew gum?

Do you like Gory movies?
I didn't, but then I saw House of Wax. I'm gonna see Saw 4 soon now :D

How are you?
Good, I guess.

What's your height?
5"6 - 5"7 :cry: I want to be 5"10 :D

What colour is your hair?

Have you ever ice skated?
Once. I sucked, so I never did it again.

Ever been in an igloo?
I live in a country with no snow. So yes :lol: No, I think I have been in one. It was freezing in there, but I think it was made of plastic (it was at an American theme park... maybe Storyland?)

Favourite Jelly Bean?
Pink, Red, Purple or Blue :D Blue make your tounge go blue :P

Do you wear jewellery?

Who do you want to kill?
I actually posted a list on one of my first ever blogs, which you can see if you click anywhere in this sentance. And I like #5 now, she was cool :P.
It's actually kinda sad... my kill list had no comments. I don't know whether to laugh or cry :lol::cry:

Have you ever flown a kite?
Thousands of times. I used to make them when I was little.

Do you think kangaroos are cute?
I guess... but after you've seen them as roadkill, it's hard to look at them in the same way

Are you laid back?
I think so...

Lions or Tigers?
Baby lions and tigers

Do you like black licorice?

Favourite store at the mall?
Changes almost every day. Right now, I'd say Myer, cause I got my Gilmore Girls season 4 DVD there for $35 after Sanity jacked up the price to $60.

Favourite movie?
Either Cry Wolf, House of Wax, The Simpsons Movie or South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut.

Do you have a nickname?
Tons. I get a new one every week. Only 1 has stuck though...

Do you prefer night or day?
It depends on where Tar Man is :lol:. Nah, I like both :)

Are you an only child?
Nope. But that's not to say that I won't give my little sister away :lol: (kidding... or am I?)

Do you like the colour orange?
One of my second favorites.

Do you know anyone named Penelope?
My friends dog. I think I know a person named Penelope too...

Have you ever eaten Quail?
Nope. I only eat 1 kind of meat (chicken)

Do you think you're always right?
Usually... If I'm not sure, I usually don't say or think anything.

Do you watch Reality TV?
Yup. Top Model is the best reality show ever :D

Do you prefer sun or rain?
Both. Although, you can't get a tan in the rain...

Do you like snow?

What time is it?

What time did you wake up?
6:00am. Not usual for me, especially cause I was up until 1:30am.

Can you ride a unicycle?
Never tried.

Did you ever watch VeggieTales?

What's your worst habit?
I get paranoid kinda easily. Plus, I cry a lot. It doesn't mean anything. If I'm crying, you seriously shouldn't feel sorry for me.

What do you want right now?
There's only 1 thing I want right now, and it's a who, not a what (and, that who is Jared Padalecki :twisted: I should stop watching Gilmore Girls...)

Have you ever had an X-ray?
Tons. I've had one pretty much everywhere.

Ever used a xerox machine?

Do you like the colour yellow?

What year were you born in?

Do you yell when you're angry?
Yup. I also swear a LOT when I'm mad. And sometimes, throw things- but when that happens, I don't remember any of it. (I get rage blackouts :oops: )

Do you believe in the zodiac? Yup. I'm Capricorn and Proud :D

Anyways, have a nice day :)
