Hya :D
I've had a really strange 2 days. Yesterday kicked major a$$. It rocked, for so many reasons. But I'll tell you guys about why yesterday rocked in my next blog (if I can remember).
Today sucked though.
Today, I woke up feeling strange. I took an asprin, and decided to suck it up and go to school (the main reason was so I could talk about how GREAT last nights episode of Supernatural was... which I did :D).
Anyway, I was a little spacey in our first 2 cla$$es.
I did pretty much nothing for math (1st cla$$. And I've got a good reason: [spoiler]
there was only me and another one of my good friends, cause everyone else was at a post-camp presentation breakfast. I didn't go on camp, and my friend couldn't be stuffed going (either could another bunch, but they aren't in my math cla$$. It turns out the breakfast started 1 hour and 15 minutes late due to "technical diffiulties". Our teacher went to go and see everyone else while leaving us in the cla$$oom, and we got stuck on the first question :lol: [/spoiler]
Then I had Shakespeare. I managed to get an extension on my project. Which is good, cause my group really needs it.
After recess, things started getting WEIRD.
We had sport. We played basketball, and apparently I played really well. All I have to say, is I better have played well, cause I pushed myself so hard to the point I almost passed out. I'm not kidding. And it started getting worse from there.
I had dance rehearsal all through lunch. I was feeling really light-headed and drunk. I was sluuring and laughing uncontrolably (in a drunk fashion), plus I was swearing a bit more than usual.
One of my best friends (who is in the dance with me) was getting a little worried, and she told me to lie down. I said no, cause I needed to know this dance (we are performing on Friday, and I don't know it half as well as I should).
Thankfully, my other best friend was outside watching, and she went and bought me a gatorade :D Made me fell a little better... temporarily.
We had science next. People were presenting their projects. All of a sudden, I started shaking, couldn't walk straight, I could barley hold myself up and I was crying hysterically for no reason. I was really, really dizzy too. I told my teacher, who told me to sit down on the floor, concentrate on my breathing and close my eyes. He didn't want me walking over to sick bay if I couldn't even walk.
Cla$$ ended early, cause everyone had to get their laptp chargers checked. 2 girls (one on crutches- it was also her birthday, and another who had lost her charger) stayed behind. My teacher got the one who wasn't on crutches to get me a wheelchair.
As I was being wheeled through the school, I got stopped by almost ever person I passed. Including a huge group of my friends. Did I mention I was crying for no reason?
Then, my friend on crutches stopped ot talk to a teacher about what was wrong with me. We were in front of the year 12 common room before we realized where she was. So we stopped and waited. The year 12 common room wasn't filled with year 12s either. It was filled with my science cla$$ getting their chargers checked. One of my best friends came out (I have no idea about the other one who got me my gatorade, I didn't see her in there) and she told me not to bother going to my last cla$$ (of which her mom so happened to be the teacher).
Then I went home. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow, but so far there are 4 things that could have happened:
1. Panic Attack
2. Dehydration
3. Something migraine-related
4. Chemical Imbalance in my brain- most likely, seeing as my mom had the same thing when she was my age.
Sorry for the long and boring blog. My next one won't suck as much. As I said, yesterday kicked a$$, plus I'll include something else, you guys can choose what you want to see in my next blog :)
Have a nice day :D
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