Because honestly, who really likes school?
Actually, my classes aren't so bad. Cause I'm in year 11 doing 2 year 12 subjects, I get 8 spares a week :D That's 8 hours a school week of doing nothing in the common room.
Or, if it refers to last Wednesday when I had a double spare last, sneaking out with a friend who's already graduated to see Twilight an 8th and final time in cinemas.
Oh yes, I'm that obsessed.
But, not everything is good. I have holiday homework. Quite a lot too.
Also, I'm on a stupid diet cause I have to lose 10 pound for the movie I'm in. Yes, it's only a small independent film, 100 tops are gonna see it and I don't think I'm even getting paid, but I'm the lead female and I don't want the extra 10 pounds the stupid camera is going to add.
Wait, did I mention the movie in my last blog? CBF checking :P It's nothing huge though. Work is work, and I'm working my way up to Kate in Breaking Dawn :P
I can semi-handle going to the gym though. It feels kinda strange to we working out and watching The Biggest Loser at the same time. I should really start going at 6:00 and watching the Simpsons. I'd do that tonight, but you can't watch TV unless you're doing cardio and I have my first strength session today. I have to do push-ups. So, I'm not really looking forward to that.
But TOMORROW should be awesome. I have friends coming over for a movie marathon. Don't even know which movies. I'll probably rent out a bunch staring Kristen Stewart and make everyone watch them :PShe's amazing though. Has anyone here seen Fierce People? She was DYNAMIC in that. Plus, she's really pretty :D
In other news, I'm getting into Pokemon again. Watched the show the other day, and Misty's still not there. Misty was awesome and they need to bring her back. The games are even better though. Cause you KNOW you're a better trainer than Ash will ever be :P. Ash is cool though, I have nothing against him.
Well, I'm talking about nothing now. I think it's cause I'm hungry.
Stupid diet. Imma go scab some food now. And watch the Simpsons. I can hear the theme song.
Have a nice day :)
xoxo Sarina
PS. It's raining :D Yay!
PPS. I'm posting this from GameSpot because as I've just discovered, hates MacBooks.
PPPS. Did you know you can't have > in the title? I didn't :(