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I am Bored... and I Want Comments =P

Hi :)

So, I had this important thing I wanted to talk about... but I forgot.

Kyle mood :) Still love Kenny, but I had a change of mood.

Gotta love that pic :)

So, umm, anyway, I'm going back to school tomorrow, and I've got a party on Sunday, which should be fun :D Like a birthday party, not a rager-party.

Here is part 2 of How to Annoy the Pizza Guy. We had Pizza the other day... and I took 5 minutes to answer the door :oops: I actually feel kinda bad, cause he seemed really nice when I actually answered :P

1. Ask if you get to keep the pizza box. When they say yes, heave a sigh of relief.
2. Ask if you they can put food color in the cheese.
3. Ask the man/woman if they can sculpt the pizza into your favorite celebrity.
4. Ask them to not put a band-aid on it this time or you will sue.
5. Ask what the order taker is wearing.
6. Ask what their phone number is. Hang up, call them, and ask again.
7. Ask what topping goes best with well-aged Chardonnay.
8. backwards pizza your order
9. Be vague in your order.
10. Burp directly into the mouthpiece; then tell your dog it should be ashamed.
11. Call to complain about service. Later, call to say you were drunk and didn't mean it.
12. Change your accent every three seconds.
13. Crack your knuckles into the receiver.
14. Dance all around the word "pizza." Avoid saying it at all costs. If (s)he says it, say, "Please don't mention that word."
15. Detect the order taker's psychic aura. Use it to your advantage. 

Stole another quiz from s1bbald :P 

[spoiler] Name~ Sarina (aka Sienna)
Hair Color~ Brown
Eye Color~ Brown
Birthday~ 15/1/93 or if your American 1/15/93

Food~ French Fries, Mozzerella Sticks and Peanut Butter Cups
Song~ Either Luvstruck (Southside Spinners) or Deliverance (DT8 Project)
Color~ Pink or Orange
Number ~ 7, 9 and 15
Website~ Umm..., (although sometimes it dies, and then I hate it), or
Movie~ South Park: Bigger, Longer and Uncut
Magazine~ I read lots of magazines, but Elle Girl is probably my favorite (and we don't get it in Australia anymore :cry:)
Actor~ Michael Weatherly, Justin Long, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Ben McKenzie and Jesse Spencer
Actress~ Sasha Alexander, Jessica Alba, Eliza Dushku, Jennifer Morrison, Rachel Bilson and Jennifer Aniston
Book~ Love the Daughters of the Moon series :)

Greatest Fear~ Fire, death, heights, falling, and lightning
Screen Name~ Umm... well if you are reading this, then you should probably know...
Bedtime~ Whenever
Current Location~ Victoria, Australia
Most Embarrassing Moment~ Umm... not sure
Weakness~ Kenny :D
First Thought When You Wake Up~ Crap.

((This Or That))
Pepsi Or Coke~ None
Chocolate Or Vanilla~ Chocolate
Day Or Night~ Don't Care
Hamburger Or Hot Dog~ Don't like either
Love Or Money~ Both :D At the moment, I need money
Looks Or Personality~ Personality, although a mix of both is great too :D
Summer Or Winter~ Summer has less lightning, but winter has less fire...
Hugs Or Kisses~ Hugs, I think
Romantic Night In Or Wild Night Out~ Night in
Coffee Or Tea~ None
Hot Or Cold~ I'd rather be cold, cause then you can layer up :P
Sunny Or Rainy~ Sunny
Dogs Or Cats~ Dogs

((Have You Ever))
Been In Love~ Nope
Danced In The Rain~ Yup
Toilet Papered Someone's House~ I think so...
Cheated On A Test~ Kinda sorta... wasn;t really that big a deal, cause everyone did. BUT, everyone else got caught ;)
Been Beaten Up~ Nope
Bullied Someone~ Nope
Smoked~ Nope
Drank~ Water, yes :lol: I've tried Alcohol, and I hate it
Done Drugs~ Nope
Had Sex~ Personal much? I haven't.
Gone Bungee Jumping~ No, but I'd love to
Gone Camping~ I HATE CAMPING!!! I'll have to tell you why sometime...
Stayed Up All Night~ I've stayed up 48 hours straight... beat that ;)
Skipped School~ Nope
Been On A Plane~ Thousands of times
Cheated On Someone~ Nope
Been Cheated On~ Nope
Sang In The Shower~ Yup
Smiled For No Reason~ I am right now
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It Was Funny~ So many times... and then they laugh and go "You're such a stupid moron" and then everyone, including me, laughs at me.
Had A Pillow Fight~ I'm a girl. Of course I have ;)
Broken A Bone~ Nope, but I've sprained my ankle 4 times (I hate crutches)
Wished Upon A Star~ Yup
Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves~ Yup
Gone Surfing~ On a boogie board, standing up in Hawaii... came back up behind me and hit me in the head just before I hit the water.
Sat On Your Rooftop~ Not in the house I'm in now, but I have
Written A Song~ Not really

((Finish The Sentence))
I Am~ a girl
I Wish~I was an actress/model
Life Is~ good
My First Kiss~ hasn't happened yet
Babies Are~ cute
Sometimes I Can Be~ paranoid, annoying, violent (rage blackouts), crazy, boring, loud, the list goes on
I Really Want To~ go to an amusement park. Preferably 6 flags again. [/spoiler]

[spoiler] Name~
Hair Color~
Eye Color~

Number ~

Greatest Fear~
Screen Name~
Current Location~
Most Embarrassing Moment~
First Thought When You Wake Up~

((This Or That))
Pepsi Or Coke~
Chocolate Or Vanilla~
Day Or Night~
Hamburger Or Hot Dog~
Love Or Money~
Looks Or Personality~
Summer Or Winter~
Hugs Or Kisses~
Romantic Night In Or Wild Night Out~
Coffee Or Tea~
Hot Or Cold~
Sunny Or Rainy~
Dogs Or Cats~

((Have You Ever))
Been In Love~
Danced In The Rain~
Toilet Papered Someone's House~
Cheated On A Test~
Been Beaten Up~
Bullied Someone~
Done Drugs~
Had Sex~
Gone Bungee Jumping~
Gone Camping~
Stayed Up All Night~
Skipped School~
Been On A Plane~
Cheated On Someone~
Been Cheated On~ 
Sang In The Shower~
Smiled For No Reason~
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It Was Funny~
Had A Pillow Fight~
Broken A Bone~
Wished Upon A Star~
Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves~
Gone Surfing~
Sat On Your Rooftop~
Written A Song~

((Finish The Sentence))
I Am~
I Wish~
Life Is~
My First Kiss~
Babies Are~
Sometimes I Can Be~
I Really Want To~ [/spoiler]  

So, umm, how is everyone? I can't really think of ANYTHING to say, cause I, actually, I have no reason. I'll shut up now before I say something stupid.