Hi :)
First off, I bet no-one here can guess the song the title of my blog comes from. If you can, I'll give you this*:
But I seriously doubt anyone is gonna get it. Or even attempt to search it on google :P
Secondly, the answer to the question of my last blog :D
AIM: To guess what these 5 shows have in common:
Today, I watched Supernatural (The Magnificent Seven), Room 401, A Ring Of Endless Light, Gilmore Girls (Rory's Dance) and Smallville (Forever).
HINT: The episode names are there for a reason
The answer, of course, is that the hottest guy in the universe, Jared Padalecki, is in all of them :D amy2310, Cassie-_, MarWash and Julsus all guessed correctly. And an honorable mention goes out to SparkleFarkle, who discovered a link between the prizes, with them all being a girls best friend :D *hands over iPhones, cookie cakes and Pink Diamonds*
I think a lot of you might have been thrown off by the Smallville episode, but that's because Jared plays an extra. I thought I saw him, so I checked his IMdb profile to make sure :) And I was right :D
So, just finished watching episode 2 of season 3 of Supernatural "The Kids are Alright". It kicked butt :D Although, I watched it with my parents, and when Ruby came on, the phone rang. We told dad to get it, and he said "but I don't want to miss the scene with the hot blonde chick". What dad doesn't realize is that she isn't that much older than me (5 or 6 years or something).
Is anyone else a little disappointed that Ben wasn't Dean's kid? The resemblance was scary.
Well, anyway, I found out something real interesting about my house and my family today, but I'm worried if I say it I'll sound like a stuck up b!tch. Whatever. Maybe when I have nothing to blog about I'll say :P
Have a nice day y'all :)
*Virtually :lol: