So, ever had one of those days where you really should have not gotten out of bed? Thats where I'm hanging out right about now, and I gotta tell ya, it is not fun.
I have been working for about eight hours right now, and I have accomplished absolutely nothing. I had grand designs as to how my Friday would go, and now I just have to say Jules Caeser, you can have your Feb. 29th back, cause I don't want it. Remember back in 1999, how everyone was all worried about the new millenium, and how it was gonna make like fire snakes come out of the ground and ghost pirates driving beat up dodge darts were gonna steal everyones first born, and rally them into the New World Order? Well? When the heck is it gonna happen, not a better day than this one. I wish to God that the Zombie Pockyclips would just start already. I'm just sayin.
Boy if you read that and are still reading, you may also need psychiatric assistance. Now, on to the other points of this fake day:
Work: NO ONE UNDERSTANDS RUDEMENTARY DIRECTIONS, seriously where do we get these people? I am not sure who I hate more right now, the ones who don't show up on fridays, or the ones who do.
This Infernal machine: (said like a stereotypical bad guy from an old Bond movie.) I said "upload picture." I did not say virtually slap me in the face and head area. Of course this machine is covered in about two solid inches of sawdust, and that may be why it is SO messed up.
Everything else: I got a letter from the power company in the mail that says they are raising rates in the summer months because people don't use as much power, I paid $3.59 a gallon for gasoline, and I actually went to a Starbucks where they charged me almost five dollars for something they have a really long name for which I refer to as "Coffee". All today. I know the Starbucks thing is my own fault, but I forgot to get coffee last night, so I had to get it somewhere, imagine how bad I would be if I didn't have coffee today! :twisted:
So the long and short of it is this: In a few hours I shall be online Halo'n up wit some new friends and I feel bad for those of you who step in front of the needler! :D