So, some time ago I wrote about some theories I had about the future of Lost, that's here, now I have watched the end of the fourth season, some of the ideas I had were good, others wrong, but what's next? Where do we go from here? Read on.......
*Oh and once again, I think this is the best show to EVER be on television, and if you have not seen it, don't read this, cause it will ruin the show.......
Locke is dead. Wow, except he isn't. Ben told Jack he had to get everyone back to the island, or none of them could get back, that statement included the "Corpse" of John Locke, AKA Jeremy Bentham. Something is there, something just begging to be seen......I think I know what it is:
John Locke was an English Philosopher, he lived from 1632 to 1704, and "He is widely regarded as one of the most influential Enlightenment thinkers and contributors to liberal theory." "His writings influenced Voltaire and Rousseau, many Scottish Enlgihtenment thinkers, as well as the American Revolutionaries."
"Locke's theory of mind is often cited as the origin for modern conceptions of identity and "the self", figuring prominently in the later works of philosophers such as David Hume." -wikipedia
Now, notice the name at the end of the quote: "David Hume" Desmonds full name is Desmond David Hume......odd isn't it.
Onto Jeremy Bentham: lived from 1748 to 1832, Bentham was an English Jurist, Philosopher, and legal and social reformer. "He was a political radical, and a leading theorist in Anglo-American philosophy of law." -wikipedia
I see a connection to the character in these qoutes, also notice that Locke died some years before Bentham was born, I think this alludes to the idea that Locke was reborn once on the island, and that he actually became Bentham some time before we heard the name, not literally, but if you read about the two real people with these names, you see that one was the begining of the others ideology.
Jacob is the man behind the curtain, but I found something that is kinda neat reguarding Jacob, I obviously like wikipedia, and use it as a resource for much of my infromation, searching "Jacob" is kinda blah, a story about the name, and it's history, as well as information about a character in the bible, searching "Jacob Cabin" gives nothing, when I combined the two words "Jacabin" it also yielded no results, but when I put in "Jacobin" I got something.....very interesting: The Jacobin Club was a political party from 1789-1794 involved in the French Revolution, "The term Jacobins had been popularly applied to all promulgators of extreme revolutionary opinions: For example, "Jacobin Democracy" is synonymous with totalitarian democracy." -wikipedia
Another interesting point I found is that Jeremy Bentham was an outspoken critic of the violence that arose after the Jacobins took power in 1792......
It's a puzzle, but an interpretable puzzle, I see that with the information given above, Locke is going to get the full story on the "Others" next season, and he is not going to agree with it, there will be a fracture of the group, and waring will begin again on the island.
The Others will be the Jacobins, and Locke will become Bentham, where it goes from there, is anyones guess.
Ben is also a intergral piece of the puzzle (obviously) searching "Ben Linus" gives a recount of the character from the show, but searching "Henry Gale" (the name Ben gave to the Oceanic guys and gals when they first found him) gives yet another real world return, Henry Gale lived from 1874 to 1942, he was an astrophysicist and author, he served in the first world war in the United states and France......theres France again, interesting, Gale had a Ph.D in Physics. So Ben is kinda the science to the philosophy.
perhaps I look to far, but then why would they stick all these real world names into the show?
another little thing I just noticed is that the year of death for Locke is 1704, and the year of death of Gale is 1942, those pesky little numbers that have been coming up since the first season are 04, 08, 15, 16, 23, 42. 04 being the first, 42 the last, Locke is the begining, Linus the end. Alpha, and Omega, but what are the rest?