@ghost140: or these companies can just up their presentationg.. it was barely any playthroughs.. just a lot of trailers or CGI trailers.. the companies alone can bring E3 back to the way it used to be. If Activision showed up we could got a gameplay video of COD.
@nintendians: we dont know now.. for all we knows theres a new bloodborne game coming.. they could showcased some Last of Us 2 or something..E3 could still be big if these companies stop trying to do all this weird stuff.. like Nintendo and the stupid Nintendo direct.
@nomadie: it may not be as powerful as a PC but consoles always seem to display games as if it had more power that it actually had. Even PS3 and Xbox 360 displayed some games visually stunning and made me wonder how.
@bubba_666: I have a high end pc.. even the standard ps4 isnt too much of a diff. If xbox one X have even more power trust me the gap is closing.. I have ps4 pro too. I purposely have some games on both systems. People make it seem like ps4 looks like super Nintendo compared to pc.
@darthrevenx: in absolution one of the target was the son of the man who took the girl... that's all there is to know lol... things like that.. this new one it was like you said but it was jist random people no story to it. Graphics was nice but no where as gritty as Absolution.
I wish they make a brand new one similar to Absolution but more dramatic. More story driven.. this recent Hitman game all it is is just random assassinations. They're not linking up. At least with Absolution you have a story save and protect the girl. I just can't get into this one. It seems more like just a game to do hits. As to why they add people to take out online all the time.
Wooptydoo doo lol really do yalls research on some really odd stores lol not newegg but neweggs eBay page haha... i check the popular/nonpopular stores. Like Fry's Electronics. They dont do much advertising but have more options. When most other stores are sold out Fry's usually have a lot in stock. They order more. Plus frys pays for the taxes for all the consoles year round. I got my ps4 for $249 out the door. Didn't have to pay the tax. Same for my xbox one a year ago. They have the ps4 platinum headset for $139 and you still pay no tax. Even the ps4 pro is $399 and you still pay no tax.
@pax_augusta: UHD player isn't necessarily a selling point. A lot of folks I talk to haven't bought a bluray disc in years. With the ps3 or ps4.
I have a powerful PC machine but PC gaming is less reliable than consoles. Especially when it comes to 4K gaming. Erratic frame rates, bad optimization. The more I game in 4k on PC the more frustrated I get. Gotta wait for like 20 updates before they get it right.
I have the ps4 pro already and enjoying playing. But if the scorpio does what it say I may be selling my PC.
silkeejeezie's comments