I never played the orignal tropico but did happen to come across the second one pirates cove one christmas, at first i though it would be an rubbish play but i installed it and a few years latter it still remains in my personal collection. I really want tropico 3 after reading a lot and watching videos i really cant wait.
sim_2008's forum posts
I know, and i think sony is being a bit harsh only releasing spyro on the american psn store, it's not fair for people who really want to play it on the go and relive the memories. I rekon you lot are right as well but i also think that psn games should be sold like other games insted of just online. But what about a decent oddworld remake
HeyWith the new plastation store allowing people to purchase old-school games such as spyro the dragon and crash banicoot i was just wondering who would like to see these characters have a true comeback. What im trying to say is that oddworld should have another game didcated to abe, and spyro should go back to before the legend and start over again. I just want to know what people thought about this and maybe suggest a game they would like to see make a real come back.
Oh and to answer the guy who's buying the game for he's wife question...
Online play, isant online play if you get my drift, from what i've seen there iss a screen in game which connects you to the community so things can be shared instantly. Thats not a defo answer, i could be wrong, do some research my man and look forward to the release...
Exscuse me if i sound to harsh when i say this, but come on, look at the leap from sims 2 to sims 3...COMPARE THE DIFFRENCE, ITS HUGE!!!
And whilst we are on the discustion of graphics i would just like to say that the dircetors of the game dident go all out on the game vbecause they wabted it to run well. Im more happy with a well running game than with a little bit more realisim. Ths sims is what it is, so what if its not like call of duty or anytning that looks realistic, its just more fun than real.
People have to stop nagging about graphics because it's driving me round the bend...
sim, ugh....
Tbh i think the collectors edition is worth it, if your in to collectors edition and are a great sim fan (like me)
If not how ever i would recomened the retail version, if you dont fancy throwing an editional £10 down the drain, not sure how many dollars that is!!!, The flashdrive looks cool but other than that if your new to the sim game i'd take the retail version...
Of course i pre orderd the collectors edition :)
Ive per-orded the collectors edition, i dont know why but i just thought i would :), Yeah the producers and online editors have gone all out this time to make the game play on lower cpu machines which is great. As online content, well the've brang in sim points which allow members of the community to buy new items and stuff like that. I also heard that there will be a second town to download called riverside, and its has a better story to play through.
I also think that the new triat system is great, the way you can now really make your sims unique. In sims 2 you had the old system of aries or cancer, now you can make somone a vegetarian, who hates the outdoors, is insane or anything you like. The online community should be intreasting thanks to the movie mash up tool.
The game looks great from what i've seen and i would recomened it to all of you
Hey everyone
The purpose of this topic is to discuss the sims 3 before its launch and maybe even after, talk about anything:The features, gameplay, content, neighboorhood or what your most looking forward to. Also ask any questions you might have about the game
I have a toshiba satellite A300-10M Laptop
My proccesor is intel (R) core (TM)2 duo CPU T5800 @ 2.00 GHZ
My memory is 4GB
32 bit operating system
because its a laptop i cant add drivers (I can only download them) so i really need to know if the game will run, it runs sims 2 perfecty and other games like black and white 2 and tiger woods 08. So somone please tell me if the sims 3 is ganna run on my laptop...
If anyones around i can open my gate
FC 5155-9345-0125
Name jordan
Town: molesey
Fruit: peaches
WiiSpeak: no
eMail: jordans_crazy@hotmail.co.uk
MSN: same as above, add me please!
drop me a message below, sim!
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