I rented having high hopes after spending my life-"Wow I wasted my entire summer." "Don't you mean decade?"- playing Oblivion. Fallout 3. Is no oblvion. I will say right now. Oblivion is better than Fallout 3. Fallout 3 is fun. But it's irratatingly diffucult. I was on normal. So I turned the diffuculty down to easy. Still unimaginably hard. Very easy. Still to hard! What is wrong with this game! Every turn there is something there to kill you! Raiders with miniguns? Flamethrowers? This is just to freaking diffucult to even comprehend! Arghh!!! I wish I got something different. Another thing is the uninspiring side quests. I spent hours doing Dark Brotherhood missions in oblivion. here all I do is walk around megaton asking "You seen my dad?" Because I don't like the side quests. Err. The game is okay. But I'm not calling it better than oblivion. I'm not even calling it better than Morrowind!
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