WARNING: if this blog offends you then that is your own problem.
Religion. A heavily debated subject. I will give you my views on it. I am christian yes. I belive in god yes. But that doesn't mean that I don't want proof. I want better proof that gods real other than reading in a book. I want to see god. Feel god. And sense god. Not just belive in him. I really don't want to offend you or anyone else I just really wanted to say that. Also on another subject. A 12 year old on youtube is trying to Make people become christians. You know. Athiests. Muslims. Islamics. And I think that's wrong. People should be able to belive in what they want. not what their told. I beleive in god. That's because I chose to. I want to belive in god. I want to belive that when I die I'm going to this happy place. Thank you for reading ~simpsons_28