Hey guys, I was wondering if i could get some people's opinions on what to do for this upcoming holiday season. Here's a quick rundown of what i'm trying to resolve.
As of now, I have a 360. For the most part, I'm bored and sick to death of Gears of War, Halo, Call of Duty, etc. However, I'm not considering selling my 360 due to it being the popular console with my friends and the friends I've made over Xbox Live. And for the most part i still do have fun on games i already have for 360 such as GTA IV, Prince of Persia, Orange Box, etc.
As many of you know now, Uncharted 2 came out for the PS3, being a completely stunning and amazing game. Needless to say I need a PS3 and Uncharted 2...however this is running around $360 for a single game. Sure, maybe get Resistance and Killzone at some point while i'm at it, but still...it's a bit of a dedication. Now, if I do buy a PS3 (and trust me, i really do), I'm missing out on a lot of solid games to come such as Brutal Legend, Assassin's Creed 2, Army of Two: 40th day, GTA IV: Ballad of Gay Tony and MOST IMPORTANTLY, Bioshock 2, seeing as how Bioshock is my favorite game of all time.
So i need a bit of advice, what would you guys do? Would you spend a large sum of money for 1 game you know will be spectacular, or go for many games that will be fun, but one can not be too sure if they will just be a hoax like Gears of War 2 was.....Thoughts?
you wont be missing out those games you mentioned except for the gta expansion are coming to ps3 as well.
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