singhjeeter329's forum posts
Lol I knew you were gonna be all-over this thread, although I wouldn't have guessed so passively, haha.No, not really.
Oh, and linked.
Personally though, I'll have to see for this game.
and have you people not seen the reviews that have come in for KZ2, its pretty funny, these claims you guys make may have flown 2 years ago, but now, after reviews are in and the demo is out, how can you guys still cling to your logic
[QUOTE="NinjaMunkey01"][QUOTE="IIJuggaNottII"]If Gears DID go to the PS3 maybe THEN the cows will consider it a great game. Right now I guess its trash. IIJuggaNottII
Ive never seen a ps3 fanboys say its trash... Its generally accepted to be a brilliant game.
Such a brilliant game that it was left OFF the GOTY ballot right? Most PS3 owners will agree that its a good game, fanboys though? No.
And since when have fanboys ever mattered :lol: Unless Chainsaw-ing or curbstomp-ing people isn't your fancy, I can't see how anyone can deny that this game is good. Although I don't know about now, haven't played it in a while, but GeoW2's online when it launched was broken.And I can't see GeoW3 coming to the PS3. I hope Heavy Rain is coming out in June, that would be really awesome and I haven't had the chance to play ME yet (-__-)
do u have to install games when you put them into the disk drive for the first timeMADKLOWN8480Depends on the game, for some you do, out of the games you mentioned ... cod4 doesnt have an install .. dont know about 5. But the others do. The online is good, and resistance and warhawk both have dedicated server support, It doesn't have all the features of xbl, but it has most. And the PS3 is the best blu-ray player, because of the powerful processing capabilities inside it has one of the fastest load time for blu-ray disks and because it connects online any blu-ray update can be downloaded no problem.
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