@SecretPolice: Split screen is cool and all but one thing that better be there is public matchmaking for the campaign. This is a MUST HAVE feature IMO. Going rando is how one makes new friends online.
sinseers' forum posts
I really need them to bring back 4 player Co-op campaign. Going back to 2 player felt like the game regressed is scale. They damn near admitted to not having enough talent to develop such a campaign (i.e. - we wanted to bring back the sense of horror from the first game, hence the 2 player co-op) With gaming I always think devs should build upon, not subtract.
Not only that, but for the love of god, PLEASE put backfilling back into Horde mode. My experience in G4 has been totally ruined by quitters. With no back filling you are pretty much stuck when people leave. Whoever thought no backfilling during Horde mode was acceptable during the making of this game is straight up stupid IMO.
Anyone speculating on the name of the console yet? Since MS is insists that Scorpio is still an XB1, I'm going to go ahead and guess the name will be XBOX ONE ELITE. Comes packed with an Elite controller.
so you guys are going to seriously let this thread get 2 pages deep and not even steer toward THE MOST OBVIOUS game. M-A-D-D-E-N.
SDTV mode? That is what I have been asking for. All games from this point on should have this feature where there is zoomed text. I could never get why switching to HD called for smaller text on screen in games. I thought it would go the other way around with bigger, crisper and more vibrant text. Anyway, kudos to Vanquish for doing that and I hope more games follow suit.
I won't pretend to know who will fail and who will rise this time. I think we all should have learned that hard lesson of predictions with the Wii launch.Move = Fail
Kinect = Epic Fail
Well maybe we should ask who walked out of E3 with the most momentum (Mind and Marketshare)? Marketshare meaning a tangible boost in unit sales immediately after E3? That's the true tell.
looks like GameFly people are f'd.
Stop rubbing it in man! I'm already crying inside (Just joined Gamefly a few weeks ago).
I'm surprised other companies are jumping on the bandwagon when it hasn't shown that it works. For all they know it could blow up in their face. The funny thing is they believe this will force people into buying the game new, but in reality it moves people away from the series losing future potential customers. Also since you cant trade in SvR 20 and whatever number its up to for next year, people may not buy next years version. Because a game where half the content is locked on a used game has no value, so people cant sell it to buy the next game in the annual series. Of all companies to try and pull this nonsense. EA and THQ which live on the annual franchise amazes me. This will blow up in their face. The reason they struggle is because they are so shortsighted and look for these quick fixes to try and make more money out of sheer greed. That's right greed. I will love to see this plan fall flat on its face when people don't buy Madden because they have to pay the full price instead of trading in last years version. SepewrathI was reading your thing about Madden and it just struck me. Trade in value is likely to really go down for EA sports titles because of this. I mean a noticeable shrink in value to the average consumer looking to trade in last years EA sports title. Luckily, I don't play EA sports games like that, but I can see where this heading....straight to SUCKTOWN.
Game stores wll offer less for trade-ins and resell them for less.Gonna really screw with the rental market though
I had'nt thought of that. This is going to suck for people like me in the not too distant future (People who mainly rent games).
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