sinx1971 / Member

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Hey U2! Why Don't You Release Other New Album Already?

Today is Tuesday and that's when usually new music comes out. So I went looking through the new releases section of Best-Buy and I noticed three supposedly new releases from U2. U2 of course is my all time favorite band, they do dominate my Ipod with over 200+ songs,far more than other music group (Pearl Jam is in second place). But upon further inspection I noticed that these new releases was nothing new to me. Instead they were re-releases of U2's first three releases. They were October, War, and Boy. What made them new? Well first they are remastered versions then they all come with a bonus disc of unreleased tracks and finally they all came with a mini book filled with photos! Wow I almost wet myself. Look I'm a huge fan but seriously I do not like when bands feel the need to regurgitate their music over and over again as some lame filler to putting out actual new music. It's just as annoying when they release countless greatest hits albums but included one or two new tracks. There's no need for these endless re-releases and further more all these so-called unreleased tracks, I have them already!! So stop with all this damn nonsense and just release some frigging new music already! WTF!!!

P.S. I'll probably buy those "new" Cd's anyways. I guess that comes with being a huge fan, you have too on occasion to play the part of the sucker.