sinx1971 / Member

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So Many Games, Too Little Cash!

Let the gaming begin as E308 spills the details on a relentless onslaught of glorious games. So many intriguing titles to considered when investing my hard earned money. Let's see whats ahead for us: Fallout 3 SE, Fable 2 LE, Saints Row 2, LEGO Batman, Infinite Undiscovery, Last Remnant, Too Human, Star Wars Force Unleashed, Gears of War 2, Silent Hill Homecoming, Mercenaries 2, Dead Space, Left for Dead, Lord of the Rings Conquest, Resident Evil 5, Final Fantasy XII, etc, etc, etc. Wow that's a lot of games that I really want to get into my 360. Unfortunately we do not have the capital to get every single game on this list so the hardship of choosing those certain few that we can only get must now commence. Countless hours of deliberations must occur to whittle down the list to those select few that will garner an approval of purchase. We must weigh in rent, food and other life's expenditures in order to preserve our gaming budget. Do I take take up panhandling to offset my costs? Do I sell some of my organs so I can spend hours playing my 360? Should I feed my cat shredded up newspaper to save a couple of bucks on cat food? It's not fair but life comes with difficult choices that we must make every once in awhile. Some title have to wait until time passes that they will become cheaper or perhaps purchased pre-owned. Maybe I get a loan from the bank but is being in debt a worthy price to pay for fabulous gaming nirvana? I guess I have to sleep on that one. Happy Gaming!