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The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor is One Mummy That Should Stay Under Wraps!

This is the third Mummy movie and it should be buried in a tomb and hopefully no one will uncover it again in my lifetime.

I highly enjoyed The Mummy and The Mummy Returns, so I had some high expectations for the next Mummy and boy did it disappoint. Brendan Fraser returns as Rick O'Connell and is join by Maria Bello playing his wife Evelyn a role that was played by Rachel Weisz in the first two installments. They are also joined by Luke Ford playing their grown-up son Alex and John Hannah reprising his role as Evelyn's brother Jonathan.

The story takes place in 1946 and involves the resurrection of the newest mummy threat, the evill Han Emperor played by Jet Li. The beginning of the film we see in flashback how Han conquers China and shortly after builds the Great Wall of China, burying the dead of those he had conquered underneath the wall. We also discover his attempt at immortality by enlisting the aid of a witch played by Michelle Yeoh. But instead of performing a spell that will make me live forever, she curses him to spend an eternity in clay. Fast forward to 1946 and that's when a Chinese army general decided to free him to once again conquer China and its up to the O'Connells family along with the witch's 2,000 year old daughter to put a stop to Han's attempt of gaining immortality once again.

Here's what I thought was wrong with the movie. First the performances by the actors seem to be mailed in. I never seen lifeless acting running rampant in any other movie that I have seen in the past. The actors seem bored with the material and even at times their acting came off as forced just to justify collecting a paycheck for this movie. It didn't help much that the dialog in the movie was just horrendous. Several scenes where humor was attempted instead came off being brutal. Secondly the movie several actions sequences just fell flat. It was as if the action sequences were there just to fill out this listless movie which runs at almost two hours.

As I sat there I couldn't help feeling like I was watching a poor man's Indiana Jones but in this case it was more like Indiana Jones on welfare. I say skip this flick and wait for it to come out on network television sometime in the next two years. At least then you can change the channel.