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Zombies Make Everything Cool But........

I was browsing a Borders bookstore and came across a book titled Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: The Classic Regency Romance - Now with Ultraviolent Zombie Mayhem! Basically a guy named Seth Grahame-Smith decided to takes Jane Austen's classic and added zombies to the story. To me this was a no brainer purchase especially when skimming through the book I also read about slaying zombies with a sword during the Victorian age. I always enjoyed reading a good book about zombies such as World War Z, The Zombie Survival Guide, The Walking Dead, The Zen of Zombie, History Is Dead: A Zombie Anthology, and upcoming title like Patient Zero and The Zombie Survival Guide: Reported Attacks. It seems that zombies are rising up from the grave in the literature world, pun intended. But there is possible corruption upcoming throughout the zombie literature world and the possible culprit is a book titled The Forest of Hands and Teeth. What's bad about this book you asked? It's being marketed towards the same lucrative teen market that ate up the Twilight book series. What that means is turning the zombie genre into a PG13 product so it can be more kid friendly. If this book sells then it becomes the posibe new prototype of zombie story telling that will dominate the market. Dark days loom ahead for my zombie reading habits.