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Raptr Has My Thumbs Up

Raptr Logo

Have you been to No? That's fine. Chances are that Raptr will come to you if you are a regular here at Gamespot. What is Raptr? In a nut shell it's a game tracking site. You could also call it a gaming social network. So why am I giving a selling spot on my blog? Because I feel it's an important service that the game industry has been needing for many years now. Think of it as a rating system for gaming. I have always been curious as to what games are being played. I don't care so much for sales figures as they are dubious at best. We all know that games can sometimes be over marketed and over stocked as a result. So your #1 "seller" ends up being the #1 bargain bin filler. A "currently played" metre is a more telling number and shows what the gaming community is hitting "START" on.

Raptr Box

Raptr is soon being integrated into the Gamespot site and I can't wait to see what the Raptr nerds come up with to proudly display my achievements on this site. If you haven't already added your details to the Raptr site then head on over and don't forget to come back to to link your account to the Rapt site. Just one piece of advise. There's a Raptr client they'll ask you to download. Unless you play alot of PC games you may wanna say no to that as it is very keen to take over the role of your messenger (or other IM programs) software.

Some More Random Reviews

I've been a pretty lazy boy :roll: over the last year or so. Time to get back into some reviewing. So I've gone and busted into some typing action with a few reviews lately. Firstly there's Track & Field for 360. Not new. But that's never stopped me from reviewing a title. Sometimes games slip under the radar and it's up to the likes of me to get them back in the spotlight somewhat. I had fun with Track & Field. Back in the 80's I pumped lot's of coinage into that one. It's a game that Microsoft's "Game Room" could do with. The concept here with Game Room is just create a venue where the old school coin munchers from the past can be re-lived. Kinda what Live Arcade was originally about before they got all screwy and released lots and lots of rubbish on there like Death by Cube and Rocky & Bullwinkle :cry:which got fobbed off onto an unsuspecting public. I also reviewed Game Roomhere on Game Spot.

Also before I go there's a really cool site I found thanks to Gamespot. It's which is a dedicated achievement tracking, game tracking site. It tells your friends when you're online, what games you've played, how long you played them. It also can be linked to Facebook which is REALLY COOL! So get on board and level up against your mates!

Final Fantasy Phase

I've just gone and got myself a PS2. Shock horror! But they are only $99 so I figured what the heck. Mainly got one as my old PSX is not so great on reading discs these days. Kinda like me. It's going blind. But now I find myself amassing Final Fantasy titles! I now own the following:

  • Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls (GBA)
  • Final Fantasy III (DS)
  • Final Fantasy IV (DS)
  • Final Fantasy Anthology (PSX) FFIV & FFV
  • Final Fantasy VI (PSX)
  • Final Fantasy VII (PSX)
  • Final Fantasy VIII (PSX)
  • Final Fantasy IX (PSX) Being shipped to me as I type this!
  • Final Fantasy X (PS2)
  • Final Fantasy XII (PS2)

So I've almost got the lot! :lol: Which makes me want to know from you lot out there. What's your fav FF and why? Personally mines FFVII cos it's the one that got me into this whole Final Fantasy mess. But I just wished Sega kept up their standards with Phantasy Star as that was the game that turned me into an RPG whore!

Mega CD RPG on iPhone

I don't know how I managed to miss this for so long but last December a new entry to iPhone snuck in there which was an instant no brainer for me to buy. $5.99 will get you a complete port of an old Mega CD RPG called Vay. Now back in the day I was one of the few loyal hardcore Sega fans that raced out and bought the bulky add on. I sold my Teac CD player at the time to help fund it! LOL But games were few and far between. Sega did a rubbish job of distributing titles and once again it was up to my contacts at the time to help me out with grey importing. One title that escaped me all this time was Vay. If I had of known of it's existance I would have snapped it up immmediately.

Vay Mega CD

Vay is your typical Japanese RPG. I say that in a nice way as this form of gaming is my bread and butter. The game starts off with a video manga intro (not the best animation by far) showing a prince marrying his mysterious bride. But the whole shebang is interupted the land is under attack and you lose your bride to be and your parents. Bummer eh?

So we start by trying to work out the controls. The original game was brought out by a little known comany called SIMs. But this re-release has been midified immensely to bolt onto the iPhone. Controls are now achieved by tapping to where you wish to move to on the screen. Sounds clunky but it works surpringly well. All text is retained from the original game but is now displayed in the iPhone font. You tap the message to scroll through dialogue. Also all menu screens, such as weapons, inventories, etc, are displayed via iPhone menu screens. Kinda strange at first and yes you do lose that 90's retro feeling when you see the iPhones crisp text. The in game screens are all the original Mega CD screens but the battle screens (turn based btw) are totally reworked by SoMaGa (the company doing this port).

Vay World Map

Check out Youtube and type in Vay, iPhone and I'm sure you'll find a review or two there.

Personally I am wrapped that a company has taken on such a project with some attention to detail. It's a shame thay they didn't revamp the graphics in any way but the music from the CD, which was always Mega CD games biggest drawcard, has been faithfully brought over to the iPhone experience which is a real treat. All the video animation sequences play out via the iPhones video capabilities. You get to quickly get out of the game (say if a call comes in) and you can pick up where you left off with no hassles. HOORAY! Save points have always been a gripe of mine with RPG's. But you still need to save often as you'll only be able to return to your last save point if you should die in battle.

Vay Battle Screen

I hope Sega take a look at this game and get motivated to re-release some old Mega CD titles. Also I hope Lunar (which I have!) gets the iPhone treatment and Lunar 2.

Top points to SoMaGa for bringing back the old skool!

Vay iPhone

Facebook vs Neanderthals

I don't usually write about anything else here on this Gamespot blog except games but this got me all worked up.

"Some people are simpletons. Stooges who don't like change. If it were up to them we'd be all still on dial up. No... scratch that... we'd be still using tin cans with strings... no... scratch that... we'd be dragging our knuckles along the ground.


Seem like Facebook really do have a challenge on their hands. They try to be nice and explain their changes that are coming up. Really simply, small changes like a minor modification of their homepage. But the reaction is nasty. It appears that most folks on Facebook are mutants. But I know that not to be the case. These are just the ones who are triggered to react and reply. I believe that there is not enough study on internet behaviour. How the masses react to change. It's only been THANKS to sites like Facebook that when a change now occurs it not only sparks a backlash but that backlash is now heard. When sites changed in the past. That was that. It just was a change and the radifications went unnoticed. But Facebook have had it tougher than most sites. Their critics are some of the harshest on the net right now. In fact it was the first time that a site making a change to their layout made news headlines thanks to the reaction online. People starting up groups, protesting by changing their status to say something negative about Facebook. I personally think it's been unjust. But not totally. Facebook should offer people what they want. If there is a large group of slow adapters who resist change then Facebook should offer a "Facebook retro". If they whine and moan that they like the way it use to be then give 'em that option to switch back to retro mode.

Facebook will continue to change. Just like the internet has done so since my time online. But maybe it's time the guys making these changes also listened to the general public and offered that option to keep 'em quiet?

Personally I am happy with what Facebook are doing so far and hope to see them improve things more. We'll see.

My Top 10 Xbox 360 Most Played

Not my usual style of entry but I figured it may either interest you or make you curious as to what your list would look like. Here is my top 10 most played games according to and their fantastic stat tracking, 360 blog making website. Now I've been a member of that site since almost day one of me owning a 360 so it's 98% reliable for numbers.

Before you say something... yes I know, Halo 3 puppet. But it's mostly a social thing. All my mates play it and send me annoying Social Slayer game invites while I'm trying to slug through an RPG or something.

What would your top 10 be you think?

Halo 3 1/15/2009 2:05:56 AM 930/1750 (53%) 124 days

Pinball FX 12/21/2008 6:31:59 PM 140/250 (56%) 36 days

NHL 07 1/28/2009 5:31:53 PM 750/1000 (75%) 35 days

UNO 2/14/2009 1:22:42 AM 145/200 (73%) 29 days

PGR 3 5/12/2008 1:29:37 AM 525/1000 (53%) 28 days

Puzzle Quest 5/21/2008 5:25:49 AM 100/250 (40%) 27 days

Blue Dragon 2/25/2009 4:07:03 AM 60/1000 (6%) 25 days

NHL® 09 2/12/2009 12:03:13 AM 345/1000 (35%) 25 days

Bejeweled 2 8/24/2007 6:17:43 AM 0/200 (0%) 22 days

Bankshot Billiards 2 7/14/2008 12:49:11 AM 50/200 (25%) 20 days

Games I'd Like to See in A Ultimate Mega Drive Collection Sequel

My pre-ordered Mega Drive Collection game arrived the other day for the Xbox 360 and I'm chuffed with it. The amount of feel good coming from this title is amazing. BUT... it's not EXACTLY the Ultimate as the name suggests. So... if having 40 titles is a standard number for an "ultimate" Collection. Then here's my 40 for the sequel:

  1. Sonic CD (Mega CD) - it's pretty obvious that's a winner
  2. Snatcher (Mega CD) - Most underrated title of the 90's
  3. Speedball 2 (Mega Drive)
  4. Sensible Soccer (Mega Drive)
  5. Eternal Champions (Mega CD) - The CD version just had a little more to offer
  6. Mortal Kombat (Mega CD) - Only because it had THE soundtrack sampled from the arcade... oh and the gory bits! LOL
  7. Cool Spot (Mega Drive)
  8. Wonderboy (SMS)
  9. Wonderboy in Monsterland (ARCADE)
  10. Wonderboy III (SMS) - One of my all time favs!
  11. Wonderboy in Monsterworld (Mega Drive)
  12. Micro Machines (Mega Drive)
  13. Micro Machines 2 (Mega Drive) - Weirdo Four Player J-Cart which I have the original in my collection!
  14. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters (Mega Drive) - Surprisingly good one on one beat 'em up
  15. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Hyperstone Heist (Mega Drive)
  16. Virtua Racing (Mega Drive) - Most Expensive game in my catalogue!
  17. Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf (Mega Drive)
  18. Jungle Strike (Mega Drive)
  19. Final Fight CD (Mega CD) - This was an awesome port from the arcade version
  20. Earthworm Jim (Mega CD) - This version had many extra features which most of us missed
  21. Keio Flying Squadron (Mega CD) - Obscure, zany shoot 'em up. Just think Samurai Pizza Cats with guns
  22. Shining Force CD (Mega CD) - Ultra Rare RPG
  23. Midnight Resistance (Mega Drive)
  24. Revenge of Shinobi (Mega Drive) - Just sort out the copyright issues will ya!
  25. Thunderforce 2 (Mega Drive)
  26. Thunderforce 3 (Mega Drive)
  27. Thunderforce 4 (Mega Drive)
  28. Landstalker (Mega Drive)
  29. Gunstar Heroes (Mega Drive)
  30. Mickey Mouse in the Casles of Illusion (Mega Drive)
  31. Shadow Dancer (Mega Drive)
  32. Toejam and Earl (Mega Drive)
  33. Toejam and Earl 2 (Mega Drive)
  34. Outrun (ARCADE)
  35. Choplifter (ARCADE)
  36. Ghostbusters (Mega Drive)
  37. Bio-Hazard Battle (Mega Drive) - Pretty cool shooter
  38. Musha Aleste (Mega Drive) - Bloody cool shooter with best Mega Drive music
  39. Twin Cobra (Mega Drive) - Great arcade port shooter
  40. Sword of Vermillion

Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection - My Vinyl Has Arrived!

Today I recieved the first mail order game I have bought in ages. Well... it takes ages to be this good. To be this good takes Sega. Or at least it use to. But here is a game featuring a whole swag of titles that do rock. Personally I am here for the juicy RPG's that I know so many of you will just skip or play for the achievements. But I am even interested in Fatal Labyrinth. Warning... you can die from over eating in that game! LOL

As for the collection. Well in my previous entry I laboured to list them all but seeing them in a list and actually sitting down to play through them is entirely different. I must first say that I am really chuffed to see ALL the Phantasy Stars sitting there in that list and the Shining series didn't go un-noticed. But, I am a little sad to see Wonderboy V, Afterburner, Outrun, Toejam and Earl, Crackdown, Wrestleball and a few others didn't get a showing. Can I smell a sequel coming soon? While we are at it... where the heck is Sonic CD? That game didn't reach the audience that it deserved to.

Games in the list that may annoy some but I found fun were Flicky (I actually had the old old old SC-3000 Sega computer version) and Congo Bongo (known as Tip Top here for some odd reason and yes... another SC-3000 classic). Also Gain Ground was a favourite in my household with it's cool music and simply yet addictive nature.

Overall the game is well presented with a virtual Mega Drive type main screen, some quirky old school gaming generic music and tons of hidden extras to keep you plowing even through the less desirable titles (wise frum yor gwave!). The interviews will put you to sleep but seeing the creators of Sonic, Phantasy Star and all the old school Japanese classics give their (much glossed over) views on the past is interesting. Watch the one featuring the creator of Phantasy Star III and I challenge you not to throw something at the screen!

I am so loving this title and especially the vinyl album that came with my limited edition version. Now... where can I find a turn table to play it? LOL

Mega Drive Ultimate Collection Vinyl

Today I Went Nolstaga GAGA

I have been getting so hooked up with NHL 09 lately that I almost neglected all my other games in my collection. All I have been focusing on is #74 and his NHL career! But an announcement got my attention recently that stopped all that in its tracks... almost. Sega's new trip down memory lane with the SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection being released on dual platforms (PS3 & 360). Going down the list made me go a bit teary eyed. It reads like this:

Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle
Alien Storm
Altered Beast
Beyond Oasis
Bonanza Bros.
Comix Zone
Decap Attack starring Chuck D. Head
Dr. Robotnik's MBM
Dynamite Headdy
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco II: The Tides of Time
Fatal Labyrinth
Gain Ground
Golden Axe I
Golden Axe II
Golden Axe III
Kid Chameleon
Phantasy Star II
Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium
Shining in the Darkness
Shining Force
Shining Force 2
Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic and Knuckles
Sonic Spinball
Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Sonic The Hedgehog 3
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Streets of Rage 3
Super Thunder Blade
Vectorman 2

Now I know they can't all be gold. I cringe at the thought of playing one or two of these games ever again (WISE FRUM YOR GWWAVE!!!!) especially in hi-def. But I can't help but feel excited at the chance of having another crack at some of those RPG's! Plus having Vectorman (both of 'em no doubt) and also all the interviews, insights plus secret unlock-able games. Already Shinobi (ARCADE), Altered Beast (ARCADE), Congo Bongo (ARCADE) (it's an ancient title that I use to play on Sega's first computer/ console) and Fantasy Zone to name but a few. This is Sega's chance to really fly it's flag at today's iGen kids and show what made them big... and bust.

A couple of things come to mind with this compilation. Firstly... the omission of some titles. Revenge of Shinobi for starters. Man that game rocked with music that simply caned your butt whilst playing it thanks to the kicking bass thrown in. Herzog Zweiis another title that needed to be there. It was arguably the first console real time strategy game... but more importantly it rocked. I use to play this against my brother and we'd just like the fact it was all in real time, split screen and unforgiving. Building a mass army of boats to go bomb your opponents base in one big rush was awesome fun! Gunstar Heroes is another. Yes I know it's by Treasure and not Sega but surely... why split hairs? It had amazing visuals that were suppose to be not capable on the Sega console. It must have made some hardened Nintendo fanboys take note at the time.

Seeing this list has made me drag out my Gameboy Advance Micro and hit Phantasy Star again. That retro feeling is back and I'm enjoying it. Sometimes the newer titles, with all their realism and intricate plots... just don't get it. Gaming is meant to be fun. We don't want to know why we are suppose to plow through a platoon of soldiers and blow up their base... point is it'll be fun just doing it. I love new 7th generation console games and marvel at the technical accomplishments they set out to achieve and nail. But sometimes just watching your character's abilities raise and gaining a new, more powerful weapon or armour is more fun!

Eternal Sonata (360) - Quick Review

I had been curious about this title for sometime. Actually it was on Gamespot that I first spotted it. But to find it on a bargain bin (JB HiFi for all you Australian gamers) for only $29 was a treat!

You play the part of a group of adventurers in a world that has been dreamed up by Chopin who is on his deathbed at a tragically young age. From the very get go you'll be in love with the amazingly lush detail that has been pumped into this title. This kind of game seems to be only possible by Japanese game designers it plays more like a cartoon with lenghty cut scenes (my controller timed out on one of them!) and gourgeous landscapes that carry the story line from start to end.

It's only downfall are the documentary like interludes that give you an insight into Chopin's tragic short life that break up the pace of the game. It's fuelled by lushes visuals, an engaging combat system that utilises light and shadow to give the player more to think about during battles. Plus it's voice acting won't leave you wanting to hit the mute button. My only critisism is that the game is very much linear. But this may appeal to the more casual gamer. It still has enough to amuse the more harden RPG'er considering the lack of turn based RPG's on the market today.