sireclaborn's forum posts
I own a xbox 360 already ( along with a wii but not really the point here) and my girlfriend got me a ps3 for x-mas . Now my questions is do i really need a ps3 and a xbox 360? ill start off with saying that i do not play any single player games at all. i only play the online portion of any game because i like to have friends to play with , even if the game does have a single player part ill get bored of that within a day. Also the only reason i need a ps3 is because about 3 months ago i got a new 3d tv and i did not have a bluray player and i also needed something to play 3d blurays. But this also can be done by players i see at stores for around 150-200$ . From what i understand the xbox 360 is much better for gaming with large groups of friends compared to a ps3 so is there any real reason i need to keep this unopened ps3 that cost $386 or should i just return it for a cheaper 3d bluray player?williamfield
ok first of all you never ever sell a gift that your girlfriend bought for you..especially if it cost a will never hear the end of it and it actually sad and rude...she must really like you to spend that kind of money...if i bought a guy a ps3 and he sold it...he would be dumped in a quick second
second the bolded part is an opinion from people on sw....make up your own already have the ps3 so you should enjoy may like it and realize that people were completely wrong....
i remember npd said that they werent going to report hardware where and how are people getting hardware numbers?
i wouldnt exactly say blew 500 million on advertising and thats about it so i wouldnt exactly call that more far it seems that move has a future when it comes to games while kinect is just selling because of the hype and holiday season ones hyping the future games or even the games except maybe dance central it seems as if the biggest hype or big thing about the kinect is the sales...and no one can play salesyou are a better father buying Kinect for your 8 year old daughter than Move. Sony has no focus on Move and MS is fully supporting the revolutionary hit Kinect.
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