"We're delivering thousands of dollars of value to people, so I think they're going to love it when they use it." Microsoft high as f*ck thinking they're giving people value for money and shit hahahaha they'll be taking all this money back tenfold.
hahahahaha as if i care what he says.. he's data's sh*t because his game is directed to certain audience that doesn't care. Story driven AAA games are the backbone of gaming, just look at MGS!! it hit 33million sales! It's because dev's have become too greedy and narrow minded that they can't come up with anything new and genuine and this is their pathetic excuse
it's not about about the japanese game dev's... it's about the gamers. As long as we have a market that always goes for brainless FPS games and corny half baked RPGs japanese games won't sell and japanese dev's wont want to make games like that. imo he's got it all wrong. As if the west is doing better?? games are getting more and more lame lately and we're seeing more of the same.. there's genre fatigue everywhere and there is a monumental lack in new IP's. so he should just shut up and stop selling japanese dev's to western markets.
so what does the voice actor have to do with the design of the game?!! this is Snake! Imo it's time for kojima to move on already... can he really do nothing more than mgs?? or is he just a coward afraid that it won't work out?? or maybe it's konami who don't want thier gold mine put out of commission. I remember Kojima once said in an interview that he never intended to make MGS2 but the fans were so "eager" for the sequel that he made one... 'round 4 sequels later i think he owes us an explanation, is he really prepared to sacrifice the core elements of the game just to keep it going?? WTH was rising?? some juvenile action game... this series ended for me a long time ago, MGS4 was snake's last hurrah.
those are some seriously high specs... 38 hour battery life?? and that GPU sounds insane. I'm not sure about the "clamshell" design thou. Personally I think portable handheld consoles are a lost cause. They should focus on making fixed consoles for HD screens rather than this nobody want to lug that thing around along with a smart phone and possibly a tablet..
if only the industry had more people like this guy... this would be the number 1 form of media in the world. Unfortunately, certain "interests" must be served by providing more violence to the masses.
so what we should really ask $ony and Micro$oft is whether they want to make more money out of games or sell more consoles because both are not happening this time around
sirius237's comments