Military loves these games, it helps them get new boys to send out and die for no good reason. I just hope these kids realize real war isn't like these games, one bullet can take you down and the government doesn't care about you afterwards.
Sounds like another form of Brainwashing. Seriously I think the government see's how dumb people are in believing lies. Look at Blair Witch Project, how many people thought that was real at first. Even Macro-Evolution, 9-11's official story, all lies thought to be truth promoted by media and schools.
I have both systems are I can hardly tell much of a difference graphically, but I can't really compare them side by side. The PC however seems to have sharper textures on average if you have a good enough machine. 360 does have an advantage with more games though, and for some reason games on the 360 rate higher. For quality overall PS3 wins hands down, plus a Blu-ray movie player and free online gaming.
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